Friday, February 19, 2010

Share the Gospel Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You would not let me
"How often I wanted to gather your children together...and you were unwilling" Matt. 23:37. Over and over in the prophets, God tells how Israel, who were scattered to the four ends of the earth, shall be gathered together into their land. They did not recognize their Messiah from all the prophecies and "they would not" let Him gather them into the land. What a tragedy.

What an example to us
"Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come" 1 Cor. 10:11. When we stand before the judgment seat of Christ, I believe we will hear the dear Lord say, Sumner, (put your name here) how often I wanted to do something big through you and you would not let me. Dear people, we must "understand the times" and we must have ears to hear and hearts to respond.

Unbelief, a terrible sin
"And He did not do many miracles because of their unbelief" Matt 13:58. Someone, I am sure, read the prophecy in Micah 5:2, "But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Too little to be among the clans of Judah, From you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel." You can't get much plainer than that and they did not believe Him.

Is unbelief, one of your sins
Over the years, I have heard hundreds if not thousands of preachers and people say, "I couldn't witness, I couldn't win souls and I couldn't do this or that. THAT IS UNBELIEF.  Jesus said, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few" Matt. 9:37. Our nation, your nation is going to hell because there are not enough laborers who BELIEVE THE WORD OF GOD and obey God and share the gospel like He commanded us to do Mk 16:15.

O dear people, Jesus is coming. We are going to give an account of how we spread the Gospel which He entrusted into yours and my hands. Stop that unbelief and get the gospel to every person you have a moment of contact  with and see how God has prepared the hearts of those you are sharing with like he did with Philip in Acts 8. My passion is that YOU believe God, witness and win souls to Christ for your good and His glory. Knowing and believing prophecy can transform your life into the most radiant and meaningful life in the world.

Prayer:  Father, You are so wonderful to let us have a part in people going to heaven instead of hell. Help us to believe You and what You are doing today to change people's lives. In Jesus name, and I LOVE YOU, all because of Calvary, sumner