Friday, August 20, 2010

Type of tract to use

"Christ died for our sins and rose again" is ESSENTIAL if the tract is to be effective. I NEVER would give out a tract that does not have the gospel plainly in it.

Personally, I want a tract that gives the person a chance to pray to receive the Lord Jesus in it. If they do not do it, you can be sure the devil will snatch away what was sown in their hearts, Matt 13:19.

Well done
We live in a sophisticated society and well done, on good paper, in color tracts are much better received and read.

Tracts on cults
You win people to Christ by a positive gospel message. I never carry tracts that deal with cults and their belief. I cannot remember when I talked to someone in the Jehovah Witnesses or other cults. Many of them will read a gospel tract when they would not read a tract against their cult or come to your church. They then have the gospel in their hands are and have heard it.

Tracts for everyone
Hundreds have asked about a tract for Policemen or Doctors or Firemen etc. Truthfully, how many of this specific group of people do you contact regularly? Hardly every. Find tracts that would fit everyone.

Get samples
"Mickey Mantle," "Amazing Grace." "America Under Attack." American Tract Society puts these out. Call 1-800-548-7228 or write American Tract Society, P.O. Box 462008, Garland, TX 75046 and ask for samples and prices.

Good News Publishers, 1300 Crescent Street, Wheaton, IL 60187 is a good tract company. "A moment Ago" is a very good tract to use. Write them for samples.

"God's Simple Plan of Salvation" is one of the all time great tracts. One half billion have been printed in over 100 languages. Written by Ford Porter, now in heaven, but still greatly used. Write Lifegate, P. O. Box 5, Monrovia, IN 46157, for samples and price.

Prayer:  Father, bless Your word as it goes out in tracts. Help Your people to plant seed through tracts for Your glory. In Jesus name. I LOVE YOU dear people ABC, sumner

I led a man to Christ on the phone today! God had him so ready. "Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully" 2 Cor. 9:6.