Friday, September 24, 2010

Making the decision to accept Christ

How to help them make the decision to be saved:


Close the deal

Remember in Matt. 13 that the seed that fell by the wayside was snatched up by the evil one Matt. 13:19. We must offer them the opportunity to receive the Lord Jesus lest the evil one snatch this truth out of their heart.


Good illustration

If you owed a bank $10,000 and could not pay it but someone loved you and offered to pay the bank the $10,000. in your place, that would be good news. If you refused to let them, then you still owe the bank. That would not make good sense. Jesus paid the debt of sin in full and rose again and wants you to trust Him that when He died on the cross He was paying your debt of sins too and believe on Him as your Savior and receive him as your savior.


Good ground

The seed that fell on "good ground" are those "who hear the word and understand" (Matt. 13:23). Remember how Philip, asked the Ethiopian Eunuch who was reading the Bible, "Do you understand what you are reading?" Acts 8:30. Ask, "Do you understand that?" "Does that make sense to you?" I have found, this will help you to know if they are ready and cull out those who are not sincere or really ready.


People need to know what to do and want to do it There are two essentials to real conversion. People must know how to be saved and must be willing to be saved. "God is not willing for any to perish," 2 Peter 3:9 and they must be willing for God to save them. Our job is to tell them how and the Holy Spirt must convict and draw them. He trust us to do our part and we can trust Him to do His part. He does not force it on them and we must not try to force it on them. That is one reason there are so many unsaved church members today. "You do not talk people into being saved." Don't you try it.


Ask for a decision

"Will you trust God that Christ paid your debt too and receive Him as your Savior right now. "Would you let me lead us in a word of prayer and you tell God you want to receive the Lord Jesus as you Savior too?"


Lead them in the decision

Bow your head right away and gently ask them to bow their head and pray this out loud with you. I have found it helps to have them pray it out loud. Most of the time they do not know how or what to pray and so it is good for us to lead them in it.



Just say, "Dear God." Let them say it. 'I know I have sinned too." "I know I should pay for my sins." I believe You that Jesus suffered and died for my sins." "Paid my debt in full and rose again." "I trust You and receive You as my Savior right now." "Give me a new birth." "Give me the power to live for you the rest of my life." 'In Jesus name."


Often, they will look up with tears in their eyes and have assurance they are saved. Friday, I want to go into how to help them know for sure they are saved. Don't miss this one.


Prayer: Father, give us wisdom to know exactly what to say and how to say it so we can see scores of people go to heaven instead of hell because we cared and shared. In Jesus name. God loves you and so do I, ABC, sumner


O dear people. this is a joy that far exceeds all the joy this world has to offer. Don't miss out on it. God wants to use YOU. "The harvest is plenty" Matt. 9:37. "I sent you to reap," Jesus said in John 4:38.