Friday, November 9, 2007

Be sure they understand how to be saved

Do you understand?
Do you want to be a very effective and successful soul winner? Here is a critical and essential key to success. In Matt 13, five times God uses the word "understand."  The seed that fell by the wayside"  are they that hear the word, but "understand it not" and the wicked one "catches away that which was sown in his heart".Vs 19.

The good ground
"But he that received seed into the good  ground is he that heareth the word and UNDERSTANDS IT which ALSO BEARS FRUIT" vs 23. Over the years, I have heard preachers and evangelist say, "take it by faith, don't try to understand it." NO, God says the one who will be saved and "bring forth fruit" are they who "understand it" What must they understand? That "Christ died for our sins", "for all have sinned"

Rom 3:23 and "the wages is sin is 'death'  PLEASE LISTEN. That is why Jesus died, He died for our sins, He had none of his own. "God laid on Him the iniquity of us all," Isa. 53 and He paid the penalty in full, He died for all of our sins, not just some. All of our good needs and ritual won't pay for one sin for the payment is  "death", separation from God.

Understand this
God saves and forgives us because of what Christ did not for us and not what we do for Christ.  We must trust God that Jesus died for our sins, paid our debt in full, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds of people.  No one saw Allah, or Buddha and anyone else die for our sins and rise from the dead.  We must believe these truths and  personally receive the Lord Jesus as OUR SAVIOR "to be born again", John 1:12.

No short cuts
Don't try to take any shortcuts or leave out any of these four powerful truths. Christ died for our sins, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds. That is the full gospel. Now tell it over an over until they do "understand" and you will see folks saved and bringing forth fruit to prove they are saved. ABC Sumner

"You have encouraged me greatly to be a better witness, and I'm very thankful."

"You uplift my spirit daily, keep sending me the words of God"

Enter the drawings for a pack of tracts to 10 people in the general drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book on pastoring to 5 winners in the pastors drawing. Order some tracts for you and your church 1-877-872-2871: Go to Feature Section, read encouraging articles