There are some great parallels between what you do to get saved and in what you do to get married.
Do what married people did
A man sees a married couple and says, "That man lives with a woman, has children, supports a wife, I am going to start living with a woman, have children, support a wife so I can be married.. NO, you don't do that to become married, you become married and then do all of that because you are married.
Do what saved people do
A man sees a Christian and says, "He joined a church, got baptized, gives to the church, and is a Christian so I am going to join the church, get baptized and give to the church so I can be saved. NO.
You must understand God loves you, sent His Son, the Lord Jesus to suffer and die for your sins, paid you debt in full, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds of people so you could be saved and then do those things because you are saved, not to get saved.
What would you say
If you went up to the gates of heaven and they asked, "Why should we let you in, what would you say?" I have asked this hundreds upon hundreds of times and most answered, " I do the best I can, I try to be a Christian, I don't do anything really bad" and think they are saved for what they do. NO, you must believe what the Lord Jesus did, paid your way to heaven, trust that and receive the Lord Jesus as your Savior, just as a man says, "Yes, I will take this woman to be my wife" and get married so he can live with a woman and have children as God intended man to do.
Do it right now
If you really understand Christ died for your sins, paid your way in full and rose again, Tell God right now, I believe on the Lord Jesus as my Savior too and want to receive Him as my Savior so I can go to heaven. Write and tell me about it. God loves you and so do I, All Because of Calvary, Sumner
One of you wrote "Thanks for sharing Gods word and your wisdom with us. I truly and greatly appreciate your e-mails." Thank YOU, Sumner.
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