I blew it. I should have told about it in my last email, Halloween, I hope you did it.
Last night I had the thrill of a lifetime. At least 150 came to my door trick or treating. My joy was to treat them. Each one got a chance to go to heaven. I gave them a tract. As I gave them candy, I make them look me in the eye and said, "Please read this, it tells you how to go to heaven" and made them promise to read it. I have goose bumps right now just thinking, as I have prayed all day, that many might get saved. To the little children, their parents were with them and I gave them tracts and made them promise to read it.
There were scores of teenagers. They promised. Folks think about it, Last night there were far more lost people who got the gospel at my door, than will be in 100 average churches this Sunday. We must get the gospel to them where they are.
The biggest football game
What went on at our house last night, was a million times more important than what goes on in the biggest football game this week end. "Set your affections, your desires. on things above." You do what you want to do. We must think much higher than the world. My PASSION is to help you do it and lay up tons of treasures in heaven instead of leaving it all right here. ABC, I love YOU. Sumner
One of you wrote this to me. FANTASTIC IDEA.
"My daughter, who lives in Sac.Ca has many experiences with people asking for money. She asked me for some of your tracts so I sent her 10 of them. She puts a dollar in each one and when asked for a hand out she gives them a tract with the dollar in it...Just last Friday she was with a lady friend having lunch when she was asked for money. The man took the tract, took out the dollar and was reading the tract as he walked away and we all know that " His word will not return void." "Go thou and do likewise!" Make sense?
Someone said, "Sumner has the BEST way of putting it, I would love to learn and share the tract, God Keep Blessing this gifted man. Love in Jesus" You and I know, GOD DOES IT ALL....Enter the drawings for 10 packs of tracts in the general drawing and 5 packs of tracts and with one book on pastoring to each winner. .Order some tracts for you and your church 1-877-872-2871: www.sumnerwemp.com Go to Feature Section, read encouraging articles
"The older I get, the better I used to be". -- Unknown,