Most new believers came to every service. Why?
We created an attitude and atmosphere so that people were back Sunday night and Wed night. We would have 3-5 music specials every Sunday and Wednesday nights. Our people loved it. Then a real highlight was to have testimonies a lot on Sunday and Wednesday nights. We had new believers almost every week. You should have heard their testimonies. We taught they had to be brief, no rambling, they were to tell something that happened in recent weeks, not ancient history. They had to be a spiritual blessing, no praising people or the preacher and they must glorify the Lord Jesus. They were powerful. We had so many wanting to give a testimony that we had to make a rule that you could only give a testimony if you had been saved less than a month. It was always fresh and powerful to hear new babes in Christ so genuinely tell how they got saved and what has been happening since the were saved. WOW.
The message
They did not get a center cut baloney sandwich on Wednesday nights.
I prepared as much for Wednesday service as I did for Sunday. People are hungry for a red hot message from God. If the message does not burn in the pastors heart it wont do any better in the peoples heart. Make sense? We must work at making every service worth the people's time and effort to come!
I love YOU and pray for you every day. ABC Sumner PRAY FOR ME. I have had a lot of computer problems and have to get a new computer.
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