Our people followed up new believers.
This is awesome. It really made a world of difference. When a couple, especially young couples in their twenties, were saved and confessed Christ publicly on Sunday morning, they would get two or three invitations from couples in our church to go home and eat lunch with them. This new couple, most of the time, were not brought up in church. They would go home and find this couple had only been saved less than a year. They saw a beautiful demonstration of real Christianity that day. I wish I had time. I could tell one fantastic story after another of the effects Christians had on new converts.
Teach and train your people to do this.
I wish I had done this more
"Exhort one another daily, lest any be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin" Heb 3:13. This is one of the most powerful verses in the Bible and most effective. Teach and pray like mad that each Christian in you church after having a quiet time with the Lord, reading His word and praying, call someone they missed at church Sunday. Let them know you missed them Sunday and had just prayed for them. Ask how they are doing and is there anything you could pray about with them. Men could do the same at their coffee break. The effect of this is so powerful. Often they would find someone was going through deep waters and needed encouragement.
WOW. I love you dear people, ABC Sumner
More to come on Friday, don't miss it. One of the best ways to follow up people
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