On March 28, 1940, 17 years of age, I was saved. I had never held a
Bible. I did not know there was an Old and New Testament. I did not
know what a Testament was. No one followed me up with a new believers
class or discipled me. BUT, I had the best follow up one could ever
have. Jake and Dolly Lyons prayed for me, every day, for over 40
years. God answered this godly couples prayers and I am forever
grateful. Each Christian ought to pick a new believer and pray for
them every day the rest of their lives.
How to do it.
Get someone in charge and teach and train every person in the church
to pray that God would put some new believer on their heart when they
get saved. Each Sunday each person who feels a desire to pray for some
new believer that Sunday, go to the one in charge and register as this
persons prayer partner. If more than one feels led, let them talk it
through until they have assurance who should be this persons prayer
partner. You talk about a powerful ministry. This could be the best
thing in a church.
New believers class.
My joy was to teach this class during training Union before the
evening church service. I loved it. Here is a brief outline.
1. Assurance of Salvation, ralationship and fellowship, confessing of sin.
2.The Word of God
The Bible is the infallible Word of God. "As new born babes desire the
sincere milk of the word that ye may grow there by" 1 Peter 2:2. Start
reading in the Gospel of John. Why? John 20:31 and 1 Jn 5:12. Teach
how to underline verses that answer questions, and add new spiritual
knowledge etc. Then memorize verses that you give each week, such as
Ps 119:11, Josh 1:8; Ps 121:6 a vital verse for true prosperity. Key
verses for new Christians and for Christian growth.
Teach how and when to pray. "Ye have not because ye ask not" James
4:2. Teach them to have a prayer list and the things Jesus taught his
disciples to pray for such as Luke 11:1,2 and Matt 6:10-13, 1 Tim
2:1-4. Pray that He will send forth laborer, from your church too.
Matt 9:37, 38.
4. Teach the ministry of the Holy Spirit
How to be filled, Eph 5:17, 18 and 1 John 5: 14, 15. "How to walk in
the Spirit" Gal 5:16 and "they will not fulfill the lusts of the
flesh" . Teach the difference between relationship which is permanent
and fellowship[ which can be broken through sin and 1 John 1:9, when
we confess the sin, fellowship is restored.
5. Witnessing
"follow me and I will make you fishers of men" Matt 4:19. "Ye shall
receive power and ye shall be witnesses unto me. Teach how to share
the gospel which is "How Christ died for our sins, paid our debt in
full, was buried , rose again and was seen by hundreds" 1 Cor 15:1-4
for the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who
believes" Rom 1:16. All four points ought to be given every time.
Teach the joy of bringing friends and family to church and to Christ.
Any other things your pastor feels new believers need to learn.
Celeste had very scarey head pains. An MRI on her brain showed she did
not have any strokes. The pains are called late life migraine
headaches. They are not life threatening and she has not one for
sometime. We praise the Lord. It scared us terribly.
Forgive me. Belated Happy Thanksgiving. Always, "Enter into His
presence with thanksgiving" Ps 100:4. In everything give thanks, for
this is the will of God" 1 Thes 5:18. Were there not 10 cleansed?
Where are the nine" only one turned to give thanks Lk 17:17. Be one of
the one. Be thankful. ABC Sumner
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winners in the general drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book
on pastoring to each winner of the pastor's drawing. Order some tracts
for yourself and your church 1-877-872-2871:
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