WELL GLORY. GOD ANSWERED YOUR PRAYERS AND MINE. CELESTE AND I SAW OUR HEART DR. HE CHECKED AND ALL THE FLUID ON HER LUNGS IS GONE. He canceled and changed some medicines he felt was causing other problems. We are so grateful. We have wept with joy. THANK YOU. So many wrote they were praying. Great will be your reward in heaven.
Constant Burning of the Oil
The oil was to "cause the lamp to burn always." This was to be a constant burning It was not enough for the lamp to burn brightly one day and be quenched the next. God was so concerned in Samuel's day that "ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the Lord...the Lord called Samuel" (1 Sam 3:3-4). Another admonition of God for us is to "quench not the Spirit" (1 Thess. 5:19). Any urge, yearning, or desire we may ever have for spiritual things, God put it there and wants us to respond and not to quench the Holy Spirit.
Remember, we studied and found there were over 60 ministries of the Holy Spirit to and through believers. No wonder there is so much emphasis on the Lampstand and oil in the tabernacle.
Remember, "It is God which worketh in you both to will (desire) and to do of His good pleasure (Phil. 2:13). What a sacred thing that God should give us even one desire to please Him! The reason people don't read the Word or pray or witness is that they don't want to. If there is one desire in your heart to please God, be assured that He put it there; and God help us if we "quench Spirit" who gives that desire.
"I would rather bring one sinner to Jesus Christ than unravel all the mysteries of the divine Word, for salvation is the one thing we are to live for." - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
You must go to our web site http://www.sumnerwemp.com All new articles. How to "witness" and give the gospel at your door or in a store. Good News Publishers is seriously considering putting this in tract form for churches to give to their people on how to share the gospel. You will be helped and eternally rewarded if you go there. Packs of tracts and books will be sent our right away. Be sure you watch to see if your name is drawn. Oh, Celeste and I love you and THANKS to the many who assured us of your prayers You are wonderful. ABC Sumner