Monday, April 7, 2008

A lady got saved reading "Your Ticket to Heaven" last week.

A lady from Ethiopia was saved reading "Your Ticket to Heaven"

Several days ago, I was in a big home improvement store. I stopped at a counter  with three ladies behind it and asked for directions to find a certain item. They told me and I said, "Let me give you some directions to heaven" and gave them "Your Ticket to Heaven." Of course I did it all on purpose. One of them, a black lady from Ethiopia said, "Oh, I want that, I will read it" and reached out to get it. The other two took the tract but turned away to work. Very briefly I told this lady to read it and if she really wants to go to heaven and understands it to pray from her heart to receive the Lord Jesus.

Amazing but from that moment I prayed and expected to see her get saved all by herself after reading the tract. The next three days I went back to see her but was not able to see her. Late this afternoon I went back again and was told she was at check out counter number 5. She wasn't there. I wandered through the store about to give up. Finally I went to the garden center and there she was and had heard I was looking for her.

This will thrill you.... When I asked if she read the tract, she replied, "I really did and I could understand what you wrote. At the end I prayed what you wrote and am now sure I am going to heaven."

After talking to her for several minutes it was obvious she was saved and had assurance of it. The big thrill is that God saved her all by Himself, just from reading the tract. I will never get over what I saw God do with "Your Ticket to Heaven." When we get to heaven we will be thrilled to see a multitude who were saved just like that and we never heard about it. We must be faithful to give the gospel to every person. Tracts are one way everyone can get the gospel to everyone we meet.You know they now have a chance to go to heaven. I call it offering them a ticket to heaven.

Kind sir, dear lady, I have a passion that you will have tons of trophies and treasures when you get to heaven. Tracts, that clearly give the gospel, is one method every one can use to share the gospel. Please do it to His glory and for their good.

Most important today, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord" Ps 33:12.

You must go to our new web site All new articles.

How to Witness and give the gospel at your door or in a store.
Good News Publishers is seriously considering putting this in tract form for churches to give to their people on how to share the gospel. Please pray they will do it. ABC Sumner