First of all a hearty congratulations and admiration to all the winners at the Olympics. Who can forgetTomescu-Dita from Romania, the 35 year old lady who won the gold metal in the marathon race of 26 miles. I love Romania. It has been my joy to preach over there scores of times during the communists rule. They were the most godly wonderful people I ever saw.
Then who can ever forget Michael Phelps winning 8 gold medals, the most ever by one person. His humbleness and enthusiasm are beyond description.
Now here is the most awesome thought you and I may ever have. Winning one soul to Christ is worth a zillion times more than all the gold medals ever won at all the Olympics put together. Relatives, friends and millions of others rejoiced and what a wonderful sight. You win a soul to Christ and all heaven rejoices, including the Father, the Lord Jesus , the Holy Spirit and all the saints of heaven. The eternal rewards? A crown that we will have the unfathomable joy of casting at the feet of and honoring the Lord Jesus.
Think of all the training, sacrifice, hard practice and labor that goes into winning a gold medal. Think carefully about how much effort, labor, training and performance have you put into winning souls. No wonder God said, "He that winneth souls is wise". Someone else said, "He that does not win souls is foolish" make sense? Set a goal and ask God to give you at least one soul a month to win to Christ. We would change the WORLD doing that. RIGHT?
A word from hell, "O father send someone to my father's house. For I have five brothers that he may testify unto them lest they also come into this place of torment" Lk 16:27,28.
Go to enter the drawing to win a pack of tracts to obey God and get the gospel to people. Read the challenging articles to bless and help you. Call 1-877-872-2871 ask for "sales" to order tracts for yourself. I GET NOTHING FROM THEM.
A pastor wrote me last week he led a prisoner to Christ using "Your Ticket to Heaven. You can too. I LOVE YOU DEAR PEOPLE ABC Sumner