Yes, you and I are all in the same boat, we have all sinned. And there is a penalty, "the wages of sin is death" but here is the really good news. God loves you and sent the Lord Jesus, who knew no sin, to suffer and die for your sins. He paid the debt in full, He was buried for three days, but rose from the dead, is alive and was seen by hundreds of people. The whole issue is, "Did Jesus, the Son of the living God, suffered and die for your sins, pay your debt in full or didn't He. God said He did.
Suppose you owed a bank a million dollars but could not pay one dollar of it. Suppose the banker called and said to you, "I have some good news. Someone just came in and paid your debt in full. You do not owe us a dime," Would that be good news or not?
God is trying to tell you that your debt of sin has been paid in full when He laid on Jesus all of your sins and mine and Christ suffered and died for our sins. Now God wants you to believe on the Lord Jesus as your Savior too. Just as you said "I do" to that preacher when he asked "Do you take this woman to be your wife" God said as many as received the Lord Jesus as their Savior too, God saves them, gives them a new birth spiritually, gives them a brand new life and will take them to heaven because they are trusting God that Jesus paid their way to heaven in full. Does that make sense? Could you tell God in your heart right now, "I do believe the Lord Jesus paid for my sins to and I do receive Him in my heart to be my Savior too."
Bow your head with me and pray this, little by little, out loud with me. Dear God. I know I have sinned. I am so sorry. I believe You that the Lord Jesus suffered and died for my sins, paid the debt for my sins, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds. Lord Jesus, I receive you as my Savior too. Give me a new birth and the power to live for you. In Jesus name
Copy this and go over again and again. Next time we will go over it with you.
NEVER tell them, "you are saved" Next time, how to give them assurace they are saved.
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"How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation" Heb 2:3.