Friday, July 30, 2010

The Greatest thing to happen Period

The Greatest Thing to Happen to you and others

The most important
What is the most important, greatest thing to ever happen to you? Answer, when you got saved, by far. What then is the most important thing you can do for anyone else. Lead them to Christ and they get saved for eternity. NOTHING COMPARES

How you got saved
I have asked this in scores of churches. How many were saved seeing a sign "Jesus Saves?" No one. How many were saved seeing the poster at foot ball games "John 3:16." No one? How many were saved listening to a sermon on radio? Maybe one of two. How many were saved through a TV preacher or program. Maybe one. How many were saved through a person witnessing to you or a person preaching. Some person comes to your mind. Usually 95% to 99% raise their hands. That's it. God uses people.

Witnessing is not the great debate Please understand and believe this. You don't talk people into being saved. God must convict and convert them. We are just messenger boys of GOOD NEWS. "The Lord's bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged," argues 2 Tim. 2:24. That takes the monkey off our backs.

Our job.
Our job is not to "win the world" to Christ but to "PREACH THE GOSPEL to every creature" Mk. 16:15. We are not to share "our faith." We are to share the gospel, the good news. This is crucial to become a soul-winner. People get the idea I have to share my faith and defend all the doctrines of our church or the Bible. No, a thousand time no. We are to share the gospel, "for the gospel is the power of God unto salvation." What a difference that makes when you understand it. It is so simple and so easy.

My passion
BElieve me, my deepest passion is for you to get the thrill, the joy, the peace, the satisfaction of seeing people "born of God' right before your eyes. Please read each email and get in on it. DON'T LET THE DEVIL TALK YOU OUT OF IT.

Father, You are so wonderful to let us have a part in this eternal privilege. You said, we shall catch men. Dear God please each one reading this get in on it. In Jesus name

Oh, I love YOU and long for you to be so mightily used of God, ABC sumner