Monday, August 2, 2010

Belief determines Behavior

Belief determines behavior, believe it?

The first
One of the first things Jesus said is, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men" Matt 4:19. Is that just a nice saying and cute song or is it the truth. Someone said, "If you are not fishing you are not following." According to this verse, that is true!

The middle
Jesus said, "you will be catching men" Lk 5:10. He did not say you might, you ought to, some will, but you WILL catch. I am terribly bothered about people saying, "We can not all be soul-winner." To me that is a barefaced falsehood.

The last
One of the last things Jesus said is, "Preach the gospel to EVERY creature" Mk 16:15. That is a command not a suggestion. You don't have to you pray about should you pray nor pray about reading the Word of God. We must say with Peter, "I will do as You say" Lk 5:5. Peter obeyed the Lord and made the biggest catch of his life. Forget what others say or do and get the gospel to every person you have a personal encounter. Look what happened when Jesus did that to the woman at the well in John 4. She brought a whole city to Jesus.

To top it off
After He suffered and died for our sins, paid the debt in full and rose again, He appeared to them and said "but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses" Acts 1:8.

Dear people, what are you going to do about these verses? Don't claim Phil. 4:19 and disclaim these verses. If you want God to " to do Phil 4:19, supply all your needs," then you do Mark 16:15. Make sense? If you get the gospel to people you have a few moment with, you will be staggered at what God will do for you far above all you could ask or think. We must walk by faith (obedience) and not by feeling.

Father, You are so wonderful. You got someone to obey You and they got the gospel to us so we could be saved, now help us to obey You and get the gospel everyone else so they have a chance to go to heaven to. I believe the harvest is plenteous just like You said. I believe I am to witness too. In Jesus name.

You pray
Father, lead me to some soul today that You have ready to hear the gospel. Bless our king/president and give him wisdom that Thy will be done on earth. In Jesus name