"As for me I will serve (obey) the Lord" IMPORTANT
"Your word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against You" Psalm 119:11. Of all the things I have done as a Christian NOTHING has meant more, impacted me more, changed me more, benefited me more than MEMORIZING the Word of God. Beginning in 1941, I began memorizing verses. To God be the glory I have memorized hundreds upon hundreds of verses. It wasn't easy. I don't have a photographic memory. I would not trade what I did for a King's ransom.
For almost 5 years, I have sent out three messages a week to 7000 of you in almost 50 countries. The verses I memorized, for the most part, have come from the foundation and fulfillment of the verses I memorized. I could not have done it had I not learned all those verses.
Begin now Everything has a beginning. Whether you have or have not begin now to memorize the Word of God. Start with one a week or one a month but PLEASE do it. You will be thankfull for eternity, I promise you.
Begin with short verses or part of a verse For instance: "Rejoice in the Lord" Phil 4:4. "Pray without ceasing" 1 Thes. 5:17 "In everything give thanks" 1 Thes. 5:18. "Exercise thyself rather unto godliness" 1 Tim. 4:7 "Do not neglect the gift that is in you" 1 Tim. 4:14. "Set your affections on things above" Col. 3:2. "I will because you say" Luke 5:5. The greatest verse in the Bible for us Christians. I use it all the time. Jesus said do it and Peter said, "I will." Oh that we all lived like that. I get goose bumps just thinking about this verse and its potential for you and me.
Get the picture? Parts of Old Testament verses were quoted often in the New Testament such as Matt. 1:22. As you read your Bible, underline verse or parts of verses that impress you and memorize them in this next year. You will be glad you did and so will the dear Lord.
Prayer: Father, bless your dear children reading this. Helps us all to enjoy You and Your word to the fullest. MAKE US a blessing by us being so full of You and Your word, that we cannot help being a blessing. We love YOU. In Jesus name.