Monday, August 30, 2010

Passing out tracts with Love

Don't poke tracts at people

Be gracious. Be courteous. Be kind. Be relaxed. With a smile, say, "May I give you something good to read. You will like this when you have a little time." This is standard with me. Plan ahead. Write out something and have it memorized if you have not given out tracts before.

At a counter
If there is a line behind you, please don't try to witness to the clerk. Graciously give them a tract. They then have a chance to go to heaven.

How it works
In an airport, I stopped at the news stand to get a paper. At the counter, there was a line of seven people behind me. I graciously handed the lady a tract and softly said, "You will like this, it tells you how to go to heaven." I say that often.

Later, the flight was canceled because of mechanical problems. After checking in again, I stopped to get some gum. As I walked in, with no one else in there, the lady looked at me and said, "You are the one who gave me that paper. I read it and prayed the prayer on the back." I was startled. After talking to her a few minutes, it was obvious the lady had really gotten saved all by herself. I got her name and address and called the pastor and he followed up with her. What a joy.

Be very familiar with the tract The Amazing Grace tract, by my dear friend, Lindsey Terry, is superb. I hold the tract so a person can easily see it and ask, "Do you know the song Amazing Grace?" With the enormous number of internationals in Dallas, I don't offer that one to them. They don't know it. Those who do know it, so often remark, "It was my mother's favorite" or, "I love that song." I then say, "This is the story of how it was written. You will love it." You will always get a very positive response.

I care
To a clerk, I often say, "Just remember an 81 year old man really cares if you go to heaven. Please read it and do what it says." It is amazing how many people's face lights up and they say, "Thank you sir." "No one cares for my soul" Ps. 142:4. They cannot say that now.

If they don't want it
Most people respond to us the same way we approach them. If you are gracious, they will be gracious also. Rarely does it happen, but if they refuse it, thank them just the same and go on. Just shake the dust off your feet. Forget them. They are not rejecting you. You must not let the devil defeat you and take it personal.

Just look for the ones God has ready and give them a chance to go to heaven. You will be glad you did in eternity.

"If you want to pick fruit you have to plant seed."

Prayer:  Father, bless Your child and may we all by "all means" try to give people a chance to go to heaven. In Jesus name.

Remember, your are loved by God and me, all because of Calvary, sumner THANKS for your prayers.