Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Be wise

Be wise as serpents, harmless as doves to win some

Get people alone.
As much as possible deal with people one on one. In a home, with a man and wife or even whole family, that is different. Church visitation, I have found saying, "At our church we want, more than anything, to help everyone to know for sure they are going to heaven. May I ask you my pet question?" Do you know for sure that if you died right now you would go to heaven? Many will say, "No," "Could I show you something that is unique that has helped thousand to know for sure?" Almost no one will refuse. Get out the cube and show them. If you do not have a cube, given them the gospel and lead them to Christ. More on this later.

Never ask
1. "What church do you belong to?" Then, if you ask if they know for sure they are going to heaven, you insult them. Never ask "Are you a Christian?" This is one of the worst question you could ask. Most who belong to some church, think they are Christians, they are not a heathen. What do you do then?

What would you say?
If a person says, "I think I would go to heaven" or "I hope I would go to heaven." The best question I have found is, "If you went up to the gates of heaven and they asked, "Why should we let you come in, what would you say? This gets the best and most revealing answer. Think on this. More next time.

Oh dear people, this is more joy than anything you can do. If you will just do it, like Peter say, "I will do as you say" Lk 5:5, you can see lives transformed, including yours and filled with joy. O I love you, ABC, sumner

Prayer:  Father bless Your dear people and fill their lives with joy unspeakable, in Jesus name