Friday, November 2, 2007

Look what drawing winners get this time

I blew it. I should have told about it in my last email, Halloween, I hope you did it.

Last night I had the thrill of a lifetime. At least 150 came to my door trick or treating. My joy was to treat them. Each one got a chance to go to heaven. I gave them a tract. As I gave them candy, I make them look me in the eye and said, "Please read this, it tells you how to go to heaven" and made them promise to read it. I have goose bumps right now just thinking, as I have prayed all day, that many might get saved. To the little children, their parents were with them and I gave them tracts and made them promise to read it.

There were scores of teenagers. They promised. Folks think about it, Last night there were far more lost people who got the gospel at my door, than will be in 100 average churches this Sunday. We must get the gospel to them where they are.

The biggest football game
What went on at our house last night, was a million times more important than what goes on in the biggest football game this week end. "Set your affections, your desires. on things above." You do what you want to do. We must think much higher than the world. My PASSION is to help you do it and lay up tons of treasures in heaven instead of leaving it all right here. ABC, I love YOU. Sumner

One of you wrote this to me. FANTASTIC IDEA.
"My daughter, who lives in Sac.Ca has many experiences with people asking for money. She asked me for some of your tracts so I sent her 10 of them. She puts a dollar in each one and when asked for a hand out she gives them a tract with the   dollar in it...Just last Friday she was with a lady friend having lunch when she was asked for money. The man took the tract, took out the dollar and was reading the tract as he walked away and we all know that " His word will not return void."  "Go thou and do likewise!" Make sense?

Someone said, "Sumner has the BEST way of putting it, I would love to learn and share the tract, God Keep Blessing this gifted man. Love in Jesus"  You and I know, GOD DOES IT ALL....Enter the drawings for 10 packs of tracts in the general drawing and 5 packs of tracts and with one book on pastoring to each winner. .Order some tracts for you and your church 1-877-872-2871: Go to Feature Section, read encouraging articles

"The older I get, the better I used to be". -- Unknown,

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It is essential that people want to be saved, not only how

"No man can come except the Father draw him" Jn 6:44. You can be sure HE WILL  draw men.
To the Pharisees, He said, "You will not come me that ye might be saved"  Jn 5:40 not you can not come.

If I be lifted up
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, WILL draw ALL  men unto me.
This he said signifying what death he should die" Jn 12:32, 33..
This verse is often miss quoted or miss used. He is talking about being "lifted up on the Cross" and dying for our sins, that he WILL draw ALL men UNTO HIM. Many ask, "What about the heathen who never heard the gospel?" GOD SAID, He WILL draw ALL men, that includes the heathen. They do have a chance if they respond to the drawing, desire to know God, that God put in their hearts. If they respond to the "drawing" God will see to it that they get the gospel. NO missionary has gone to a people who never heard the gospel and find some already saved. They have gone in many times and found people who are ready and respond to the gospel the first time they hear it.

NOW, I know God is drawing people today and I just look for the ones He is drawing and try to lead them to Christ. Believing God is drawing people and obeying Him to get the gospel to EVERY person is the key to soul winning. If you sow sparingly you will reap sparingly. Sow bountifully and you reap bountifully. It is as simple as that.

Dear people, YOU and I must get the gospel to people for He is drawing multitudes today. Jonathon Falwell, Jerry Falwell's son, is reaping hundreds for he is preaching the gospel with a passion, you do the same and reap the same. I love you, ABC Sumner

God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go."

Only today left to enter the drawings for packs of tracts. Many went out this month. Order some for you and your church 1-877-872-2871. Go to  Feature Section, read encouraging articles  New articles every month!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Two essentials to be saved: What to do and want to do

What to do
This is our privilege. People will never know what to do to be saved until they know what Jesus did to get them saved. I have said this over and over, we must get across that the Lord Jesus suffered and died for our sins, paid the debt in full. I say suffered for 1 Peter

3:18 brings more conviction  "For Christ has once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but quickened (raised) by the Spirit."

This was a great miracle
Over 40 years ago when I was on the faculty of Moody Bible Institute, Celeste and I went on visitation for our church one night. It was 5 degrees below zero, and I was a Florida sunshine boy. Through very unusual circumstances, to long to tell, we went to our service station owners house, he was at work. His wife invited us in out of the terrible cold.

We talked for a few minutes and I found she was not saved. I shared the gospel and quoted, "Christ has once suffered for sins". Barbara burst into tears. I finished telling her how the Lord Jesus died for our sins, paid our debt in full, rose again and was seen by hundreds of people.  Gladly she prayed to receive the Lord Jesus as her savior.

Then she said, "I knew you were coming tonight." I said "What do you mean". "I have prayed all day God would send someone to night to tell me how to be saved" and she got a double dose of salvation. She later told my wife she had been so miserable that she threw a plate against the wall and it broke into pieces. Later her husband, his brother and wife got saved and have gone on with the Lord all these years. GOD DID THAT FROM BEGINNING TO END.

He suffered for our sins
We are all so used to seeing death on TV and in movies we are almost immuned to death. Every Christian ought to think every day how the Lord Jesus suffered for our sins. He took all the physical suffering and "opened not His mouth", but when God "laid on him the iniquity of us all" He cried out, "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me" and at that moment He was separated from God and paid the full price for our sins. WHAT A SAVIOR. Soak all of this in and share it with every person you can and see God do the same convicting. It is absolutely eternal ecstasy. You will become captivated by it and can't help but share the gospel. You are loved by God and me, ABC Sumner

"I have learned SO MUCH from the Holy Spirit through you. I am so very grateful. You are doing such a terrific job." YOU KNOW, "To God be the glory" He does it all.

Only a few more days to enter the drawings for packs of tracts. Many went out this month. Order some for you and your church 1-877-872-2871: Go to  Feature Section, read encouraging articles