Friday, November 30, 2007

We need everyone in the game

Wednesday night service.
The pastor of the First Baptist Church, a dear friend of mine, called
one day and asked how many we had in prayer meeting last Wed. I said
"279." Our ushers always counted in every service and put it on a card
and on the pulpit when they came to take the offering. We were having
400 to 500 in Sunday morning services. He was having 1200 but less
than 200 in Prayer meeting. He called the three other large churches
having 1000 in Sunday morning. None had 200 on Wed.

How did we do it?
I WORKED AT IT. Not to have more than anyone else but I loved our
people did all I could to see them love the Lord God of glory, His
word, the church, the lost and one another. I preached like a mad man
and told them, you do not eat one big meal on Sunday and live on it
all week. You can't. Neither can you eat one big meal spiritually
Sunday morning and live on that all week.YOU CAN'T. That is a rock
bottom belief of mine.

From 1,000 down to 400.
Now hear the other side. A church I know was having 1,000 or more on
Wed. The pastor was so busy he could not prepare for PM so he got
others to preach and teach on Wed evening. Of course they were not as
good as the pastor and the attendance dropped to 400 in no time. You
don't build a church like that. You must put your priorities whey they
ought to be. I say it again, PM is a great place to follow up new
believers and to fire up good and godly church members. I have found
it pays off greatly.

No center cut baloney
Then I assured them they would not get a center cut baloney sandwich
on Wednesday night but filet mignon steak with all the trimmings. They
came and ate it up.We had several good music specials, often
testimonies (they were as good as the sermon) People are starved and
if we will feed them full and flavored meals each service, I have
discovered they will come. By the way, it was not uncommon to have
people saved in Wed evening services.

Every ball team could use the superb player who never makes an error,
always get a hit the only trouble is you can not get him out of the
stands and get in the game. Every church needs everyone in the game.
Are you?

Enter the drawings for a pack of tracts to 10 people in the general
drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book on pastoring to 5
winners in the pastors drawing.

We need new people getting our emails. Send your friends email address
with their permission. ABC Sumner

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A church I pastored had 23 in P. M./ In two months we had 200+ See how

A church I pastored had 23 in P. M. Wed the first WEd I was there.,
200 in two months, see how

The church had 250 Sunday morning and 23 prayer meeting. I almost
died. We must put a big emphasis on Wed services. Next Sunday morning
I got hold of two couples, with several children in each family and
told I wanted Wed to be maybe the best service of the week for them. A
red hot meal spiritually to keep them well and thrilled all week. Then
I asked "Would you be my special guest next Wed evening." Amazing
every couple I asked this said, "Preacher you are serous about this
aren't you." I assurance them I was. Each couple said yes they would.
In church, Wed. In the morning service, I asked everyone who was at
Prayer meeting Wednesday to please stand. Then I asked Fred and his
family who were going to be my special guest next Wednesday to please
stand. They did and then the other couple stood. Then I asked, "Dear
people this is your church, not mine. We must set an example for our
children and each other. I asked, how many others will say, "I will be
your special guest next Wed. About twenty more stood. The next Wed we
had over 50. I did the same thing the next Sunday morning. We had over
90 the next Wed. In two months we were having over 200 and never fell
below that. Their top had been just over 60 before that. God di it,
ABC Sumner

Wed service is a great follow up of new believers. We taught that and
practiced it. It worked. Even before we had a new believers class, I
used Wed evening to teach so many things that paid off in the whole

SPECIAL: RIGHT HOW, Pray at least 30 seconds, for Jose Moreno. a dear
brother in Christ. It has now been confirmed that he has burns over
70% of his body from the fire that resulted from a car crash last
Wednesday morning. He is in critical condition

URGENT; This is amazing. Today, I had the unbelievable privilege of
giving a billionaire the tract "Your Ticket to Heaven." He responded
fabulously and said, "I will read it". Pray for him to be saved from
reading the tract.

Enter the drawings once a day, daily, for a pack of tracts to 10
winners in the general drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book
on pastoring to each winner of the pastor's drawing.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Most new believers came to all Sunday and Wed. services. See Why.

Most new believers came to every service. Why?
We created an attitude and atmosphere so that people were back Sunday night and Wed night. We would have 3-5 music specials every Sunday and Wednesday nights. Our people loved it. Then a real highlight was to have testimonies a lot on Sunday and Wednesday nights. We had new believers almost every week. You should have heard their testimonies. We taught they had to be brief, no rambling, they were to tell something that happened in recent weeks, not ancient history. They had to be a spiritual blessing, no praising people or the preacher and they must glorify the Lord Jesus. They were powerful. We had so many wanting to give a testimony that we had to make a rule that you could only give a testimony if you had been saved less than a month. It was always fresh and powerful to hear new babes in Christ so genuinely tell  how they got saved and what has been happening since the were saved. WOW.

The message
They did not get a center cut baloney sandwich on Wednesday nights.
I prepared as much for Wednesday service as I did for Sunday. People are hungry  for a red hot message from God. If the message does not burn in the pastors heart it wont do any better in the peoples heart. Make sense? We must work at making every service worth the people's time and effort to come!

I love YOU and pray for you every day. ABC Sumner PRAY FOR ME. I have had a lot of computer problems and have to get a new computer.

Enter the drawings once a day, daily, for a pack of tracts to 10 winners in the general drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book on pastoring to each winner of the pastor's drawing. .Order some tracts for yourself and your church 1-877-872-2871: Go to Feature Section, read encouraging articles

Our people followed up new believers

Our people followed up new believers.
This is awesome. It really made a world of difference. When a couple, especially young couples in their twenties,  were saved and confessed Christ publicly on Sunday morning,  they would get two or three invitations from couples in our church to go home and eat lunch with them. This new couple, most of the time, were not brought up in church. They would go home and find this couple had only been saved less than a year. They saw a beautiful demonstration of real Christianity that day. I wish I had time. I could tell one fantastic story after another of the effects Christians had on new converts.

Teach and train your people to do this.

I wish I had done this more
"Exhort one another daily, lest any be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin" Heb 3:13. This is one of the most powerful verses in the Bible and most effective. Teach and pray like mad that each Christian in you church after having a quiet time with the Lord, reading His word and praying, call someone they missed at church Sunday. Let them know you missed them Sunday and had just prayed for them. Ask how they are doing and is there anything you could pray about with them. Men could do the same at their coffee break. The effect of this is so powerful. Often they would find someone was  going through deep waters and needed encouragement.

WOW. I love you dear people, ABC Sumner
More to come on Friday, don't miss it. One of the best ways to follow up people

"Thank you for the lives that are changed thru the tracts" God uses tracts, do YOU?

Enter the drawings once a day, daily, for a pack of tracts to 10 winners in the general drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book on pastoring to each winner of the pastor's drawing. Order some tracts for yourself and your church 1-877-872-2871: Go to Feature Section, read encouraging articles