Friday, December 14, 2007

God lighteth EVERY MAN who comes into this world

"The true light that lighteth EVERY man that cometh into the world"
John 1:9.

"John the Baptist was not that light but he was sent to bear witness of that light" (the Lord Jesus) Jn 1:8-10. Now the Lord Jesus declared "He lighteth EVERY MAN who cometh into the world." NOT one is left out. Just how He does it is not told but we are told, "He lighteth EVERY MAN who comes into the world." Doesn't that make sense. Every person is lighted,  given a chance to know God.

A great Biblical principle for ALL,
"For I say unto you, That unto everyone which hath shall be  given and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him" Lk 19:26. The principle of this passage is this, To everyone who responds and uses what God gives Him, He will give more.

But those who do not respond and put to use what God gives him, be it something or some desire for good and God,  God will take it away from him..

A desire to be saved or witness
For instance, God gives you a desire to read the Bible, pray, witness and you do not respond and witness, He will take away that desire and leave you alone. I have seen this in hundreds of Christians and non Christians. I have seen lost people get an urge to get saved, go to church for sometime but do not respond and receive the Lord Jesus and lose that desire and quit church. The lesson in all this. You had better do what God puts into your heart to do whether you are a Christian or not. "It is God who works in you both to will (desire) and to do of His good pleasure" Phil 2:13.

ABC Sumner

God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

All new articles on our web site Go to the prayer board and give us your prayer requests so all can pray for you! Steve and Alyssa do a fabulous job of setting it all up and now watch for a fantastic FREE offer of my tapes on Prayer, Marriage, Witnessing, The Holy Spirit, Dating. All Steve's idea! WOW Deut. My favorite book of the Bible! The greatest O. T. book of the Bible. See how to live in the will of God and be greatly blessed.

Read the Motivational article on our Web now.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me

"If I be lifted up" this spake he of the "death he should die" Jn 12:32, 33. He was lifted up, He did die on the cross for our sins, NOW He said, "I will draw ALL men unto me." Did you catch it? He said, "I will draw ALL MEN UNTO ME". God CANNOT LIE". He has drawn every person who ever lived unto Himself.  They have had a chance to know God as God and if they respond to that urge, that drawing, He will see to it that they get the gospel.

I am sure you have heard as I have, of missionary after missionary who went to a new tribe of people and found some who said, "I knew there was a God and I asked Him to reveal Himself to me and you came."  WOW that is awesome. Another fact, no one has ever found someone already saved without hearing the gospel. God is still drawing every person on the earth to Himself. He draws them, He does not drive them. The tragedy is that so many do not respond to the drawing, urging of God.

The key to soul-winning.
Get  the gospel to "every" person and look for the ones God is drawing and have the inestimable joy of leading them to a saving knowledge of Christ. If they reject the gospel and Christ, "shake the dust off your feet" Matt 10:14, leave them alone and get the gospel to the next person you have a chance to share the gospel. ABC Sumner

Man's way leads to a hopeless end! -- God's way leads to an endless hope.

All new articles on our web site Steve and Alyssa do a fabulous job of setting it all up and now watch for fantastic FREE offer of my tapes on Prayer, Marriage, Witnessing, The Holy Spirit, Dating. All Steve's idea! WOW Deut. My favorite book of the Bible! The greatest O. T. book of the Bible. See how to live in the will of God and be greatly blessed.

Read Motivational article on Web.

King James and Spanish Version of "Your Ticket to Heaven" is now available. Call 1-877-872-2871 to order them. I just ordered 1000 KJV and 500 Spanish to use myself.

Monday, December 10, 2007

God does not want anyone to go to hell! Do you?

"God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to
repentance" 2 Peter 3:9. God does not wish, will or want anyone in hell.
The truth is that hell was prepared for the devil and his angels, not
for man. "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared
for the devil and his angels" Matt 25:41. Man chooses hell. God does not
send them there. More on this later.

"Who would have all men to be saved" 1 Tim 2:4 God does not desire nor
delight in someone going to hell. He wants everyone to go to heaven and
proved it. BUT there is a big problem for God to be fair and righteous
in who goes to heaven. More on this later.

No one is predestined to go to hell. That is for sure a false doctrine.
More on this later. Remember, you are loved by God and me, ABC Sumner

All new articles on our web site Watch for
fantastic FREE offer of my tapes on Prayer, Marriage, Witnessing, The
Holy Spirit, Dating.

Deut. My favorite book of the Bible! the greatest O. T. book of the
Bible. See how to live in the will of God and be greatly blessed.
Read Motivational article on our web site.

King James and Spanish Version of "Your Ticket to Heaven" is now
available. Call 1-877-872-2871 to order them. I just ordered 1000 KJV
and 500 Spanish to use.