Friday, August 29, 2008

What about follow up of new believers?

1. God follows up every new believer, He said so. "He that hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ" Phil 1:6. I hardly ever hear this used for new converts, but it is absolutely so. I depend on and saw it very much wen I pastored.


2, Who followed up the woman at the well in Jn 4. God did and did He ever do a good work. She brought a whole city to Jesus.


3. Who followed up the Ethiopian in Acts *. The Spirit caught Phillip away. God did a great job ob him too. History tells he opened the door to Africa for the gospel.


4. My very step is to get them committed to read the Gospel of John. 1 Pet 2:2.


5. The next is to try to get them in good Bible teaching soul winning church. I am sorry to say, they are hard to find. I am also sorry to say, I have had a terrible time trying to get pastors and people of churches to visit them and get them into their church. You would hot believe the results I have NOT SEEN IN SUCH SITUATIONS.


6. When I was a pastor we saw great results. Our people would visit them befriend them. We had a follow up class for new converts that paid off great dividends. At least 95 % of those we led to Christ got baptized and went on with the Lord some producing 30 fold, some 60 fold and some 100. As I said before more on this later.


I tried to share te gospel with a man from Korea today. He just never got it! We never fail when we presnt the gopsel. All will not respond but that is not our responsibility. We just give the gospel.


I just ordered 1000 of "Your Ticket to Heaven" today. What a joy to give people a chance to go to heaven. Call 1-877-872-2871 like I have to do and get some tracts.


PRAY for CELESTE, she is in a lot of pain from back problems. ABC Sumner

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Look what God did in a Doctor's office yesterday!

This happened today, Tues. This is what I hope to be teaching and you are learning from it. . This morning I prayed especially to see someone get saved. What a way to see Him do it. Great lesson


I had an appointment with my radiant Christian doctor about my horrible hip pains. He has a nurse that I have never been able to get alone and witness to her. Today, as she was finishing, I gave her "Your Ticket to Heaven," She blurted out, "O I need that." When I asked if she knew for sure she was going to heaven she said, "I read the book 'Left Behind' and it scared me to death and I have been wanting to get saved ever since. Knowing I had only a few minutes, I told her how God loves her and how we are all in the same boat, we have all sinned and the wages of sin is death. The good news in that the Lord Jesus suffered and died for our sins, paid our debt in full, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds. The whole issue is did He pay for your sins and mine in full or didn't He. God said He did. God wants to know if you will trust Him that Jesus paid for your sins too and will receive Him as your Savior, just as you said, "Yes I will receive this man as my husband" when you got married. It was beautiful the way God opened her eyes and she understood it. Any Christian could have led her to Christ, she was so ready. She prayed out loud to receive the Lord Jesus, looked up beaming all over the place and had the assurance she was saved and thanked me over and over. Of course I am going to follow up with her in several ways. More on this later too.


Here is a big key, as you get alone with someone, no matter where it might be, just look for the ones God has ready and give them the gospel and a chance to go to heaven. Make sense? People often say, "Sumner, you make it sound so easy." IT IS. I know better than you, that God did it all. I do not take one ounce of credit for it. I just love getting in on it.


FATHER, please let the man, the lady who just read this to help change the world for good and God by getting the gospel to someone today. In Jesus Name. I love YOU. ABC Sumner


Go to Steve puts up all new material each month. The health tips both physical and Spiritual are being well received. Please give us your opinion. Do enter the drawing. We have given out at least 15 packets of tracts to you people this month, now go "Fishing for men." Remember, I do not sell the tracts and get nothing from them. To order tracts, call -1-877-872-2871 (free call)


"I and you are debtors to the wise and the unwise" Rom 1:14 to preach the gospel to them.  

Monday, August 25, 2008

How to help people have assurance they are saved.

After they have prayed out loud with you to receive the Lord Jesus as their Savior, ask them "Did you really mean what you just prayed?" Of course almost all will say they did. Now I ask, "Do you really believe the Lord Jesus suffered and died for your sins? Did He pay your debt of sins in full too?" You just cannot emphasize this enough. They answer ."Yes". Quote John 3:36, God says, "He that believeth on the Son, HAS everlasting life." God did not say, he will hope so, or feel he has everlasting life but that he HAS, right now, everlasting life. He is saved. Do you believe you have everlasting life, that you are saved? Most will say, "Yes, I do." How do you know? Because God said so. During the 15 years I pastored, 95 percent of the people who prayed with me got assurance they were saved and confessed Christ publicly went on with the Lord. Some produced 30 fold, some 60 and some 100 fold. Matt 13:23. More on this later.


NEVER tell them they are saved, let them tell you they are saved. We cannot see their heart and you too will have some say they are when they are not saved. You and I must not give them a false hope. And remember this, Jesus had a Judas who had never been saved.


NOW, get them to tell someone that are now saved. If it is someone at our door, I always call Celeste to the door and ask the person "Can you tell my wife what you just did." Believe me we have had a revival time when they tell it. Often they and we will weep with joy. Then I tell them, there is joy in heaven over one person who gets saved. Lk 15:7. NEXT! Tune in this Wed. YOU are loved by God and me. ABC Sumner


"The harvest in plenteous" Have the thrill and eternal joy of witnessing and see someone get saved.


Go to and enter the drawing to win a pack of tracts, to obey God and get the gospel to people. Read the challenging articles to bless and help you. Call 1-877-872-2871 ask for "sales" to order tracts for yourself or write to Good News Publishers, 1300 Crescent St. Wheaton, IL 60187. I do not sell them. I order and pay for them just like you do. I GET NOTHING FROM THEM.


This is reality. Remember, Winning that soul to Christ is far, far greater than winning the gold metal and this is not demean the Olympics. They are great winners.