Friday, February 27, 2009

The Dr's report and ministry report and Rom 8:28

WELL GLORY! Praise the Lord. The Dr. assured us Celeste does not have some life threatening illness. Believe me that was on my mind all the time. After many tests he thinks it is a virus but has not been able to pin it right down. He has given her antibiotics and is watching her closely. He came close to putting her in the hospital and is consulting with our heart doctor about it.

ALL things (good or bad) work together for good for those who know and love the Lord Jesus. Dr. Chuck Swindoll really ministered to me through a sermon I heard him preach on this. God knows everything. He knows the end from the beginning. He is never shocked or surprised by what happens. He then made this strong statement. All things for the Christian is working together for his good and God's glory. TRUST HIM IT IS SO.

My wife and I are going through, by far, the worse thing we have ever come close to facing. WE KNOW IT IS TRUE. WE TRUST HIM. Now it does not mean we don't pray for and ask for His healing. We get others praying. We do all we can physically to be healed. All of this is scriptural and right.

Already I have seen some fabulous opportunities to share the gospel and fabulous responses. We have the peace of God in our hearts. We have the joy of the Lord in our lives daily. We have the comfort of the Holy Spirit in our souls. Do pray with us for God's wisdom to the doctors and His healing for our bodies. The greatest healing by far as when you give the gospel, the greatest medicine in all the world, and they get healed spiritually for all eternity. THANKS for the many who just dropped a note saying you are praying, love you, ABC

I met with the EAST -WEST ministries, a fabulous missionary ministry and our hearts beat together that they have one passionate desire and that is to be a blessing, win lost folks to Christ with the GOSPEL AND GLORIFY THE LORD JESUS IN IT ALL. The three I met with I know personally and they are pure gold and have the hand of God upon them. I am sure the transition over the next few weeks will go smoothly and you will love the daylights out of this ministry and these men of God who will ministry to you.

PLEASE never forget I love you people dearly and am honored above all else to have ministered to you these wonderful years. ABC, (All Because of Calvary) Sumner and Celeste 1 Jn 3:2. You will hear more from me before it is all finished.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

VIM I can't believe, I have never preached on this vital message a must read

Believe it or not, I have never preached this??? VIP

"To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin! " Jas. 417.

It is so easy to emphasize what Christians ought not to do and get very negative. The worse is what we ought to do that we don't do. I am sure you do not go out cursing and carousing. That is not the worse siin.

Here is the worse sin in America. Our new president had a key word, "CHANGE." Everyone wanted change. The absolute truth is we Christians are the only ones who can bring essential and eternal change. "If any man be in Christ he is a NEW creature, old things are passed away, all things are become new." 2 Cor 5:17.

THE SIN of Christians! We are not are not giving the prescription for essential and eternal change. The GOSPEL is the power of God unto salvation, eternal change.

The essences of what to tell people and what I tell to everyone I can is, "God loves you and sent His Son, the Lord Jesus to suffer and die for our sins, paid our debt in full, was buried, rose again and was seen alive by hundreds of people. The whole issue is , did He pay our debt of sin or didn't He. God said He did, Will you believe Him and trust what Jesus did to save you and get you to heaven? Could you tell Him in a word of prayer, you do believe Him and want to receive the Lord Jesus as YOUR savior right now? Let's pray together, and you tell them what to pray, just what you have said again. Then help them how to have assurance they are saved based on what God said. YOU and I both "know to good" is to tell lost people how to be saved. And for this cause, not doing it, "many are sick and weak and many sleep" 1 Cor 10:30. To not do so is SIN of the worse kind for that is the only thing that will really change people forever. Right? Lets begin a new wave of the 50 million born again people to share the gospel seriously with every person we meet and have that few mintues to give them the gospel and change our world to the glory of God.

I love YOU. ABC Sumner

PRAY HARD for Celeste. She has been very ill and weak for a week. Saw the Dr. today and will again tomorrow for results of tests. This is serious. THANKS for praying

Pray Thursday. Big decisions about Email ministry. You will want to know and be in on it. 

Monday, February 23, 2009

What do you think about...

Think about it!

"Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, good report, think on these things" Phil. 4:8. What in the world are you thinking about? "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" Pro. 23:7.

PLEASE this is not a slap in the face or a put down but I hope a thought provoking message. What are you watching on TV? In the movies? Reading in books, magazines etc. Just the advertising or the movies, TV, books etc is enough to make you blush or should I say used to make Christians blush. Just the advertising is enticing enough to make the rapists, perverts aroused ,commits the horrible, hellish crimes. A man would have to be kidding or lying to say he is not bothered or temped by so many of the movies..

Now dear Christian, GOD said think on the "pure" Be honest with yourself. Do you rehash and rethink of the enticing entertainment that you would be embarassed if Jesus walked in? You and I know that He knows all about what you are wtching and your reactions to it are. Get off that dumb crud and read your Bible, witness to the lost, give them the gospel like Jesus said to do and like somone told you how to be saved and it changed your life forever. Help change them and your world. or don't gripe when your loved one or friend is molested. "Set your affections on things above" "Give the gopsel to that waitress or person at your door and help to really change people and the world. Be a real christian and say, "I will set no wicked thing before my eyes" Ps 101:3.

Remember, "God and I love you dearly" All Becasue of Calvary, ABC Sumner

Go to read all new articles and rejoice. Call 1-877-872-2871 or write Good News Pub. 1300 Crescent St. Wheaton, Ill. 60187 USA to get "Your Ticket to Heaven'" tracts. Invest in eternity. I get NOTHING from the tracts. Jesus is coming any minute now. PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD" Amos 4:12.