Monday, December 31, 2007

The real new year begins when...

You become a new creature.
"If any man be in Christ he is a new creature (new person) 2 Cor. 5:17. . How fantastic that God makes us a new person, old things are passed away, all things are become new" You get to start all over with a clean slate.

You get a new nature
"Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises, that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature 2 Peter 1:4. Every good and Godly desire comes through this new nature. Be grateful God puts those divine desires in us through this new nature. We MUST obey the Spirit and do what He urges us to do.

You get a new Father.
" Beloved, now are we the sons of God" I John 3:2. "When you pray say, "Our Father".

You get a new home
"In my fathers house are many mansions...I go to prepare a place for you" John 14:2, 3. This world is not my home, I am just a passing through. The older you get the more you deeply realize we do not belong here, we do not fit it.

You got a new year
"You only go around once in life". You cannot kill time without injuring eternity. You have just the same amount of time as Bill Gates or the richest man in the world. Invest it in eternal things, don't waste it. It is too precious.

May this be the most blessed year of your life. Seriously, it may very well be your last year. Jesus is coming any minute. "Prepare to meet thy God" Amos 4:12.

New Years resolutions

Ask, every day, what the apostle Paul asked when he saw the Lord. "What will thou have me to do" Acts 9:6

With Peter make a resolution, "At Thy word, I will" Luke 5:5 do whatever God says or asks us to do in His Word.

With Joshua say AS FOR ME. I will serve the Lord. Josh 24:15

May you have a wonder filled year. ABC C. Sumner Wemp, Dallas, Texas. I love hearing from you. Please write!

Go to enter the drawing for a pack of tracts. Read one of the powerful articles and be blessed. Call 1-877-872-2871 to order "Your Ticket to Heaven" tract in the KJV, or Spanish or ESV and give the gospel to every person you can. (I get NO royalty from it). Forward this to some friends.

Friday, December 28, 2007

WOW I had forgotten this. It is in Webster's dictionary!

What is the gospel? Webster's dictionary says the gospel is "Anything
proclaimed or accepted as absolute truth". To the lost world that is
about the extent of their knowledge of the gospel. The horrible part
is that most "Christians" do not realize the actual Biblical meaning
of the word "gospel" and do not tell it but believe they have told it
when they talk about God or religion or the church.

We have the Biblical, Scriptural, Word of God explanation of the
Gospel. It is "Christ died for our sins, was buried, rose again and
was seen by hundreds." 1 Cor. 15:1-6. This is "the gospel that is the
power of God unto salvation to those who believe" Rom 1:16. BUT how
can they believe if they have not heard or how shall they hear if we
don't tell them? Rom 10:14.?

Remember, "If our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost by the
god of this world" Satan. 2 Cor. 4:3, 4. He does a pretty good job of
keeping good and godly Christians from telling the gospel, the good

Often when I give a tract to a clerk or a waitress or someone I cannot
talk to extensively, I will say, "This just tells you how God loves
you and Jesus suffered and died for our sins, paid our debt in full,
rose again and was seen by hundreds. Please read it and do what it
says at the end. You will be glad you did." They have then heard the
gospel and the Holy Spirit has a chance to convict and open their
understanding to be saved.

This year, 2008, join "Peter's club" and say and do what Peter did,
"At thy word I will" Lk 5:5. . Remember by doing Jesus said, he caught
the biggest catch of his life. May you have the biggest catch of your
life this year. The harvest is plenteous. Get in on it.

"I'm looking to be all that GOD wants me to be!!! From one of you! May
we all do it.

Go to enter the drawing for a pack of tracts. Read
one of the powerful articles and be blessed. Call 1-877-872-2871 to
order "Your Ticket to Heaven" tract in the KJV, or Spanish or ESV and
give the gospel to every person you can. (I get NO royalty from it).
Forward this to some friends.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Here is why more people are not being saved

I am shocked, stunned, scared. In the last few weeks, I have received at least twenty emails about Jesus, Christmas and why He came. They told about why He came, quoted John 3:16, think carefully, it does not have the gospel, that lost man does not know what "He gave his only begotten son" means and on and on. Now get this. Not one actually gave the gospel. They told why He came, to save us, give us eternal life etc but never told how.
The gospel is "the power of God unto salvation". As I have said many times, people and preachers tell "All have sinned" and "the wages of sin is death" but then never say "Christ died for our sins" and never realize it. People say, "Christ died on the cross" that is not the gospel for those thieves died on a cross. They say, "Christ died for us" that is not the gospel for those soldiers are dying for us today. The full gospel is "Christ died for our sins, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds of people" 1 Cor. 15:1-5.
The whole issue is did the Lord Jesus pay the debt of our sins or didn't He. We must be very careful and clear to give the GOSPEL. The Bible says, "If any man preach any other gospel let him be accursed" Gal 1:9. That is very strong language but it is very serious for it is the difference in going to heaven or hell.
Then many say, "give your life to Jesus" or "ask Jesus to come into your life" or "give your heart to Jesus" and on and on. God says to believe the gospel and receive the Lord Jesus John 1:12. Dear people we MUST be very clear about giving the gospel. I have been asked scores of time, "How do you see so many people saved?" Simple. I GIVE THE GOSPEL OVER AND OVER. Make a decision to be careful to give the gospel to people in 2008. All Because of Calvary, Sumner
Go to enter the drawing for a pack of tracts. Read one of the powerful articles and be blessed. Call 1-877-872-2871 to order "Your Ticket to heaven" tract and give the gospel to every person you can. (I get NO royalty from it). Forward this to some friends.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Why you should do what you know you ought to do

1. What is the most important thing to ever happen to you? Why, getting saved of course. What is the most important thing you can do for someone else? Why lead them to Christ and see them get saved. Put your priorities in place and share the gospel
2. What is the only thing that is going to truly change the world? Getting people saved of course. "If any man be in Christ he is a new creature". You and I are the only ones who can see people truly changed inside out. The gospel does it. Share it with everyone.
3. What is the first and last thing Jesus told us He would do and we should do? First "Make us fishers of men Matt 4:19" the last, "Preach the gospel to every person". Mk 15:16. Join the Peter club, "At thy word, I will" Lk 5:5. Why do you call me Lord and not do what I told you" Lk 6:46.
4. What brings more joy to you than any earthly thing? "And when he has found the lost sheep, he lays it on his shoulders REJOICING! Lk 15:5.
5. This is fantastic, you bring joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repents" Lk 15:10.
6. How can you bring great joy to your friends and neighbors? "He calls together his friends and neighbors saying, rejoice with me for I have found my sheep which was lost" Lk 15:6
7. What brings more joy to everyone in heaven than anything else. "I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repents more than over ninety nine just persons which need no repentance!" Lk 15:7. WOW
8. What makes the biggest difference than anything else anyone can do. "I was lost", on my way to hell, but now "am found", on my way to heaven. Lk 15:24.
Dear people, "set you affections on thing above." NOTHING compares to winning souls for Christ. "Choose you this day" You will thank me all through eternity if you start winning souls to Christ. I LOVE YOU. ABC Sumner
"Grateful to Sumner for all the encouragement he is giving me as a young minister."
And as always, be sure to read the other featured articles this month - try learning lessons on thanksgiving, reciting and meditating, and learning and obeying for starters!  Check out our prayer board and register for the free drawings we offer or check out our new BLOG! Go to See Celeste's article for women. Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Put yourself in the shoes of a lost person: Vital, please read.

Dear people, I am crushed, mystified, stupefied, the GOSPEL is not being preached nor told in messages and in witnessing and then we wonder why people don't get saved.

Maybe you saw the "Birthday Invitation" to heaven, beautifully done say "Tickets: Admission is free. He's already paid for everyone..."

That is not preaching the gospel. The unsaved do not have a clue what that really means. The gospel is left out!

This just came to me today from a preacher I know well and has had me preach in his conferences. He believes the Bible and does not have a liberal bone in his body. He said, "The Christmas Story is News that stays News, GOOD News - Indeed THE BEST NEWS EVER." It is the most important news that any man has ever heard."   NO, NO, NO. "CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS, WAS BURIED, ROSE AGAIN, AND WAS SEEN BY HUNDREDS. THE SCRIPTURAL DEFINITION OF THE GOSPEL is the best news ever. He went on and on and never once gave the gospel which is "the power of  God unto salvation" Rom 1:16 and then told people to accept Christ, ask him to forgive you of your sins and you will go to heaven.

The whole issue is, we have all sinned and deserve to be punished, for the wages of sin is death. The good news is Christ paid the debt in full when He died for our sins. This is what people must know and understand to be saved.

My heart aches when I hear John 3:16 quoted so glibly. What those doing it do not realize is that the unsaved person does not know what it means that "God gave his only begotten son." We must spell it out that He died for our sins. He paid the debt in full.

The five points of Calvinism, I am not sure about but the four points of the gospel  I am absolutely certain about. (1) "Christ died for our sins, paid the debt in full, (2) was buried, (3) rose again and (4) was seen by hundreds (which is hardly ever stated), 1 Cor. 15:1-6. The gospel, I think all four points, must be stated over and over until  they UNDERSTAND it Matt 13:23, believe it and receive the Lord Jesus as their Savior too John 1:12. You don't take it on "blind faith" Sumner, why are you so adamant about this?

Because it is the difference in going to heaven or going to hell.

I love you and do not want anyone to go to hell and their blood be on your hands or mine, so lets give the "full" gospel every time.

ABC C. Sumner Wemp

Monday, December 17, 2007

How to share the gospel to those at your door.

"Sumner, our church is giving out the ticket to heaven. We have a hard time keeping it stocked. Our people love using the tract"  WOW, hope yours does the same!

Sharing the gospel with those at your door.
This is extremely important. Please keep it and learn it to be an effective witness.

Give a gospel tract
Start off by giving them a good gospel tract and saying, "You will like this. It tells you how to go to heaven. May I ask you a very important question? All will say, "Yes". "Do you know for sure you are going to heaven one day? May I tell you how I came to know how to go to heaven.

Right here you need to take charge of the conversation and speak with authority, not with arrogance. Satan gets mad right about here and would love to interrupt and get you side tracked.

Giving the gospel
Please don't start out saying, "The first thing you need to know is that you are a sinner."
Most take it you are saying they are but you are not. They are offended right away. Better to say, "We are all in the same boat, we have all done wrong, we have all sinned, haven't we?" I have never had one person deny they have sinned when I present it that way and I have told this to hundreds upon hundreds of people.

If you put one drop of filth or poison in a glass of water, it pollutes the whole glass. Sin does that to you and me. It pollutes us and we are unfit to go to heaven. Also "the wages of sin is death." There is a penalty that has to be paid for our sins,

I have some really good news for you. Christ suffered and died for our sins, paid the debt in full. He did not just "die on a cross,"

those two thieves died on a cross . He did not just "die for us", those military people are dying for us. The difference is "Christ died for our sins" paid our debt in full.

He was buried, the proof  that He was dead.

Jesus rose from the dead and is alive today. No other so called "savior" ever died for our sins and rose again and is alive today.

Jesus was seen by hundreds of people, proof that He died for our sins and rose from the dead. The whole issue is did Jesus die for your sins or didn't He. God said He did. Will you believe God that Jesus paid your debt of sin too?

Just like a man says, "Yes, I take this woman to be by wife" we need to tell God, "Yes, I will receive the Lord Jesus as my Savior right now " God said, "As many as received Him to them he gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name" John 1:12.. Does that make sense?

Would you like to pray with me right now and tell God you want to receive the Lord Jesus as your Savior too? If they say yes, ask them to bow their head and pray out loud with you. You lead them in what to pray.

Pray, "Dear God- (pause and let them repeat after you) I know I have sinned too-  I am so sorry-, I believe the Lord Jesus died for my

sins- I believe He paid my debt in full and rose again- Lord Jesus I receive you as my Savior- come into my heart- give me a new birth and the power to live for you. In Jesus name.

Now tell them, God said, "He that believes on the Son, HAS everlasting life." Do you believe on the Lord Jesus as your savior?

Do you have everlasting life" Almost all will say yes right then.
More on assurance and follow up next time.

Be ye fishers of men -- you catch them & He'll clean them.

PRINT THIS OUT so you can go over it several times and know what you
are going to say.   You are loved by God and me, All Because of
Calvary, ABC Sumner

All new articles on our web site Go to the prayer board ( and give us your prayer request so all can pray for you! Steve and Alyssa do a fabulous job of setting it all up and now watch for a fantastic FREE offer of my tapes on Prayer, Marriage, Witnessing, The Holy Spirit, Dating. All Steve's idea! WOW

Friday, December 14, 2007

God lighteth EVERY MAN who comes into this world

"The true light that lighteth EVERY man that cometh into the world"
John 1:9.

"John the Baptist was not that light but he was sent to bear witness of that light" (the Lord Jesus) Jn 1:8-10. Now the Lord Jesus declared "He lighteth EVERY MAN who cometh into the world." NOT one is left out. Just how He does it is not told but we are told, "He lighteth EVERY MAN who comes into the world." Doesn't that make sense. Every person is lighted,  given a chance to know God.

A great Biblical principle for ALL,
"For I say unto you, That unto everyone which hath shall be  given and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him" Lk 19:26. The principle of this passage is this, To everyone who responds and uses what God gives Him, He will give more.

But those who do not respond and put to use what God gives him, be it something or some desire for good and God,  God will take it away from him..

A desire to be saved or witness
For instance, God gives you a desire to read the Bible, pray, witness and you do not respond and witness, He will take away that desire and leave you alone. I have seen this in hundreds of Christians and non Christians. I have seen lost people get an urge to get saved, go to church for sometime but do not respond and receive the Lord Jesus and lose that desire and quit church. The lesson in all this. You had better do what God puts into your heart to do whether you are a Christian or not. "It is God who works in you both to will (desire) and to do of His good pleasure" Phil 2:13.

ABC Sumner

God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

All new articles on our web site Go to the prayer board and give us your prayer requests so all can pray for you! Steve and Alyssa do a fabulous job of setting it all up and now watch for a fantastic FREE offer of my tapes on Prayer, Marriage, Witnessing, The Holy Spirit, Dating. All Steve's idea! WOW Deut. My favorite book of the Bible! The greatest O. T. book of the Bible. See how to live in the will of God and be greatly blessed.

Read the Motivational article on our Web now.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me

"If I be lifted up" this spake he of the "death he should die" Jn 12:32, 33. He was lifted up, He did die on the cross for our sins, NOW He said, "I will draw ALL men unto me." Did you catch it? He said, "I will draw ALL MEN UNTO ME". God CANNOT LIE". He has drawn every person who ever lived unto Himself.  They have had a chance to know God as God and if they respond to that urge, that drawing, He will see to it that they get the gospel.

I am sure you have heard as I have, of missionary after missionary who went to a new tribe of people and found some who said, "I knew there was a God and I asked Him to reveal Himself to me and you came."  WOW that is awesome. Another fact, no one has ever found someone already saved without hearing the gospel. God is still drawing every person on the earth to Himself. He draws them, He does not drive them. The tragedy is that so many do not respond to the drawing, urging of God.

The key to soul-winning.
Get  the gospel to "every" person and look for the ones God is drawing and have the inestimable joy of leading them to a saving knowledge of Christ. If they reject the gospel and Christ, "shake the dust off your feet" Matt 10:14, leave them alone and get the gospel to the next person you have a chance to share the gospel. ABC Sumner

Man's way leads to a hopeless end! -- God's way leads to an endless hope.

All new articles on our web site Steve and Alyssa do a fabulous job of setting it all up and now watch for fantastic FREE offer of my tapes on Prayer, Marriage, Witnessing, The Holy Spirit, Dating. All Steve's idea! WOW Deut. My favorite book of the Bible! The greatest O. T. book of the Bible. See how to live in the will of God and be greatly blessed.

Read Motivational article on Web.

King James and Spanish Version of "Your Ticket to Heaven" is now available. Call 1-877-872-2871 to order them. I just ordered 1000 KJV and 500 Spanish to use myself.

Monday, December 10, 2007

God does not want anyone to go to hell! Do you?

"God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to
repentance" 2 Peter 3:9. God does not wish, will or want anyone in hell.
The truth is that hell was prepared for the devil and his angels, not
for man. "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared
for the devil and his angels" Matt 25:41. Man chooses hell. God does not
send them there. More on this later.

"Who would have all men to be saved" 1 Tim 2:4 God does not desire nor
delight in someone going to hell. He wants everyone to go to heaven and
proved it. BUT there is a big problem for God to be fair and righteous
in who goes to heaven. More on this later.

No one is predestined to go to hell. That is for sure a false doctrine.
More on this later. Remember, you are loved by God and me, ABC Sumner

All new articles on our web site Watch for
fantastic FREE offer of my tapes on Prayer, Marriage, Witnessing, The
Holy Spirit, Dating.

Deut. My favorite book of the Bible! the greatest O. T. book of the
Bible. See how to live in the will of God and be greatly blessed.
Read Motivational article on our web site.

King James and Spanish Version of "Your Ticket to Heaven" is now
available. Call 1-877-872-2871 to order them. I just ordered 1000 KJV
and 500 Spanish to use.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Everyone has a chance to know God

"These messages have again challenged me. The Lord is using you to grow
me and His church"

Everyone has a chance to know God.
"The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his
handiwork" Ps 19:1. "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made and
all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. Let all the earth fear
the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. For
He spake and it was done, he commanded and it stood fast" Ps 33:6-9.
Those millions of stars were not made when '"nothing" exploded with a
big bang and all those stars came out of it. That is totally irrational.
No, God made it all. "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God Ps

How man comes to this
"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness
and unrighteousness of men who hold "down" the truth in unrighteousness,
Because that which may be known of (about) God is manifest in them for
God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of Him from the
creation of the world are CLEARLY SEEN, being understood by the things
that are made, even his eternal power and God head so that THEY ARE
WITHOUT EXCUSE; because that when they knew God they glorified him not
as God, neither were thankful but became vain in their imagination and
their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise they
became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an
image made like unto corruptible man...wherefore God gave them up to
uncleanness through the lusts of their own heart, to dishonor their own
bodies between themselves, who changed the troth of God into a lie and
worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator who is blessed
for ever" Rom. 1:18-25. Now, what do you do with things God lets you
clearly see? We must respond and receive it, Make sense.

That which may be known about God,

1. They hold down (suppress) the truth by their wickedness:
2. Is made plain to them
3. Is clearly seen
4, Being understood.
5. They are without excuse

ALL have had a chance to know there is a God. How sad they reject this
truth. At 17, I had never held a Bible, never heard a sermon but I knew
there was a God. Come back Monday. More proof every person has a chance.
You and I have the fantastic privilege of telling lost people how God
loves them, Christ died for all our sins, paid the debt in full, was
buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds so they can go to heaven.
That is the full gospel. WOW ABC Sumner, lets do it

Sin will take you farther than you want to go.
Keep you longer than you want to stay.
Cost you more than you want to pay.

King James Version and Spanish of "Your Ticket to Heaven" in available.
Call 1-877-872-2871 to order them.

Pray right now for Jose with 70 % burns. For Preacher Bill in deep
trouble financially.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

We are to preach the gospel, not convict the sinner.

Please, PLEASE learn this. We are commanded to "Preach the gospel, THE
GOOD NEWS, to every person" not convict ever person Mark 16:15.

Folks, we have good news not bad news to tell people. Why in the world
are Christians so shy about witnessing? Satan is behind it. To not
witness you are heeding Satan and not the Savior. Quit it!

Stop trying to convict, that is why so many get mad or offended

A sincere, good evangelist preaches and teaches Christians to use the
ten commandments to bring everyone under conviction. He put out a tract
that looks exactly like a million dollar bill. Around the edge of it he
listed ten sins that people commit and tries to bring them under
conviction with it. NOW, when I was shown it, it did not have one word
of the gospel, the good news, that Christ died for our sins and rose
again and was seen by hundreds. The very thing we are commanded to do,
even as an evangelist, he did not do it. We are NOT to bring them under
conviction, that is the Holy Spirit's job and you can count on Him to
do what He is supposed to do. We must be sure we do what we are supposed
to do, give them the gospel. I always see conviction when I witness. The
Holy Spirit never fails. Make sense?

Tell them
God loves you, always tell people this, and sent His Son the Lord Jesus
to surfer and die for my sins and yours, paid our debt in full, was
buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds of people."
That is the full gospel, the good news you must understand and believe
to receive the Lord Jesus as your Savior too. ABC Sumner

What about the heathen?. Has everyone and will everyoine have a chance
to be saved? Wait until I give you the Biblical answer to that. Don't
miss it!

Enter the drawings daily for a pack of tracts to 10 people in the
general drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book to 5 winners in
the pastors drawing.

THANKS to all of you sending new people to get our emails.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Scriptural discipleship. Something is usually missing, see what!

Make disciples
"Go therefore and teach all nations (many versions say, "Make disciples
of all nations" Mat 28:19) Question? How do you make disciples? Answer,
give every person you can the gospel for the gospel is "the power of God
unto salvation" that makes them disciples! Right! I am not trying to be
cute or funny but have you heard or read any disciple programs and find
they teach whole heartedly for them to share the gospel and make more
disciples until we change the world for God. Sad to say, it is missing

New converts
Many say or have the attitude, don't send out these new baby Christians
to witness. Really? How about that woman at the well who brought a whole
city to Jesus. She was a brand new believer who had lived a very immoral
life just days before. We need to teach new believers that they have a
circle of influence of about 25 people close to them. Start with them
and do all you can to win them to Christ or get them to church to hear
the gospel. I poured this into our people. It worked beautifully. We
could write a book how our people did that and the church grew by leaps
and bounds.

Old believers
Look around, think carefully. Churches are full of people who have been
saved for many years and have never led someone to Christ.
They too must be challenged and convinced to share the gospel and win
their friends and families to Christ. This JUST came to me in an email.
"Dr. Wemp - I am blessed by your emails and ministry example. 
Although I've been saved for 27 years I've never led anyone to Christ,
and I want to change that. God Bless You!" WOW again. That is the way it
ought to work. It did in the N.T. times.

Follow the leader
"Be ye followers of me as I am of Christ" must be every pastor's
example. When someone gets saved and confesses Christ before the church,
tell who lead them to Christ. When have you heard that in a church? What
a testimony and challenge to hear it worked on visitation last week.
When have you heard someone tell how they led their neighbor to Christ
and they came this morning to confess Him as their Savior".WOW.
Pray for it to happen. Preach for it to happen. You are loved by God and
me, ABC Sumner. Pray for me, I am behind in my correspondence and
answering Emails. Keep writing, I LOVE hearing from you.

Enter the drawings for a pack of tracts to 10 people in the general
drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book on pastoring to 5 winners
in the pastors drawing.

Friday, November 30, 2007

We need everyone in the game

Wednesday night service.
The pastor of the First Baptist Church, a dear friend of mine, called
one day and asked how many we had in prayer meeting last Wed. I said
"279." Our ushers always counted in every service and put it on a card
and on the pulpit when they came to take the offering. We were having
400 to 500 in Sunday morning services. He was having 1200 but less
than 200 in Prayer meeting. He called the three other large churches
having 1000 in Sunday morning. None had 200 on Wed.

How did we do it?
I WORKED AT IT. Not to have more than anyone else but I loved our
people did all I could to see them love the Lord God of glory, His
word, the church, the lost and one another. I preached like a mad man
and told them, you do not eat one big meal on Sunday and live on it
all week. You can't. Neither can you eat one big meal spiritually
Sunday morning and live on that all week.YOU CAN'T. That is a rock
bottom belief of mine.

From 1,000 down to 400.
Now hear the other side. A church I know was having 1,000 or more on
Wed. The pastor was so busy he could not prepare for PM so he got
others to preach and teach on Wed evening. Of course they were not as
good as the pastor and the attendance dropped to 400 in no time. You
don't build a church like that. You must put your priorities whey they
ought to be. I say it again, PM is a great place to follow up new
believers and to fire up good and godly church members. I have found
it pays off greatly.

No center cut baloney
Then I assured them they would not get a center cut baloney sandwich
on Wednesday night but filet mignon steak with all the trimmings. They
came and ate it up.We had several good music specials, often
testimonies (they were as good as the sermon) People are starved and
if we will feed them full and flavored meals each service, I have
discovered they will come. By the way, it was not uncommon to have
people saved in Wed evening services.

Every ball team could use the superb player who never makes an error,
always get a hit the only trouble is you can not get him out of the
stands and get in the game. Every church needs everyone in the game.
Are you?

Enter the drawings for a pack of tracts to 10 people in the general
drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book on pastoring to 5
winners in the pastors drawing.

We need new people getting our emails. Send your friends email address
with their permission. ABC Sumner

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A church I pastored had 23 in P. M./ In two months we had 200+ See how

A church I pastored had 23 in P. M. Wed the first WEd I was there.,
200 in two months, see how

The church had 250 Sunday morning and 23 prayer meeting. I almost
died. We must put a big emphasis on Wed services. Next Sunday morning
I got hold of two couples, with several children in each family and
told I wanted Wed to be maybe the best service of the week for them. A
red hot meal spiritually to keep them well and thrilled all week. Then
I asked "Would you be my special guest next Wed evening." Amazing
every couple I asked this said, "Preacher you are serous about this
aren't you." I assurance them I was. Each couple said yes they would.
In church, Wed. In the morning service, I asked everyone who was at
Prayer meeting Wednesday to please stand. Then I asked Fred and his
family who were going to be my special guest next Wednesday to please
stand. They did and then the other couple stood. Then I asked, "Dear
people this is your church, not mine. We must set an example for our
children and each other. I asked, how many others will say, "I will be
your special guest next Wed. About twenty more stood. The next Wed we
had over 50. I did the same thing the next Sunday morning. We had over
90 the next Wed. In two months we were having over 200 and never fell
below that. Their top had been just over 60 before that. God di it,
ABC Sumner

Wed service is a great follow up of new believers. We taught that and
practiced it. It worked. Even before we had a new believers class, I
used Wed evening to teach so many things that paid off in the whole

SPECIAL: RIGHT HOW, Pray at least 30 seconds, for Jose Moreno. a dear
brother in Christ. It has now been confirmed that he has burns over
70% of his body from the fire that resulted from a car crash last
Wednesday morning. He is in critical condition

URGENT; This is amazing. Today, I had the unbelievable privilege of
giving a billionaire the tract "Your Ticket to Heaven." He responded
fabulously and said, "I will read it". Pray for him to be saved from
reading the tract.

Enter the drawings once a day, daily, for a pack of tracts to 10
winners in the general drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book
on pastoring to each winner of the pastor's drawing.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Most new believers came to all Sunday and Wed. services. See Why.

Most new believers came to every service. Why?
We created an attitude and atmosphere so that people were back Sunday night and Wed night. We would have 3-5 music specials every Sunday and Wednesday nights. Our people loved it. Then a real highlight was to have testimonies a lot on Sunday and Wednesday nights. We had new believers almost every week. You should have heard their testimonies. We taught they had to be brief, no rambling, they were to tell something that happened in recent weeks, not ancient history. They had to be a spiritual blessing, no praising people or the preacher and they must glorify the Lord Jesus. They were powerful. We had so many wanting to give a testimony that we had to make a rule that you could only give a testimony if you had been saved less than a month. It was always fresh and powerful to hear new babes in Christ so genuinely tell  how they got saved and what has been happening since the were saved. WOW.

The message
They did not get a center cut baloney sandwich on Wednesday nights.
I prepared as much for Wednesday service as I did for Sunday. People are hungry  for a red hot message from God. If the message does not burn in the pastors heart it wont do any better in the peoples heart. Make sense? We must work at making every service worth the people's time and effort to come!

I love YOU and pray for you every day. ABC Sumner PRAY FOR ME. I have had a lot of computer problems and have to get a new computer.

Enter the drawings once a day, daily, for a pack of tracts to 10 winners in the general drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book on pastoring to each winner of the pastor's drawing. .Order some tracts for yourself and your church 1-877-872-2871: Go to Feature Section, read encouraging articles

Our people followed up new believers

Our people followed up new believers.
This is awesome. It really made a world of difference. When a couple, especially young couples in their twenties,  were saved and confessed Christ publicly on Sunday morning,  they would get two or three invitations from couples in our church to go home and eat lunch with them. This new couple, most of the time, were not brought up in church. They would go home and find this couple had only been saved less than a year. They saw a beautiful demonstration of real Christianity that day. I wish I had time. I could tell one fantastic story after another of the effects Christians had on new converts.

Teach and train your people to do this.

I wish I had done this more
"Exhort one another daily, lest any be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin" Heb 3:13. This is one of the most powerful verses in the Bible and most effective. Teach and pray like mad that each Christian in you church after having a quiet time with the Lord, reading His word and praying, call someone they missed at church Sunday. Let them know you missed them Sunday and had just prayed for them. Ask how they are doing and is there anything you could pray about with them. Men could do the same at their coffee break. The effect of this is so powerful. Often they would find someone was  going through deep waters and needed encouragement.

WOW. I love you dear people, ABC Sumner
More to come on Friday, don't miss it. One of the best ways to follow up people

"Thank you for the lives that are changed thru the tracts" God uses tracts, do YOU?

Enter the drawings once a day, daily, for a pack of tracts to 10 winners in the general drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book on pastoring to each winner of the pastor's drawing. Order some tracts for yourself and your church 1-877-872-2871: Go to Feature Section, read encouraging articles

Saturday, November 24, 2007

YOU can be one of the best follow uppers, do this as 2 did for me

On March 28, 1940, 17 years of age, I was saved. I had never held a
Bible. I did not know there was an Old and New Testament. I did not
know what a Testament was. No one followed me up with a new believers
class or discipled me. BUT, I had the best follow up one could ever
have. Jake and Dolly Lyons prayed for me, every day, for over 40
years. God answered this godly couples prayers and I am forever
grateful. Each Christian ought to pick a new believer and pray for
them every day the rest of their lives.

How to do it.
Get someone in charge and teach and train every person in the church
to pray that God would put some new believer on their heart when they
get saved. Each Sunday each person who feels a desire to pray for some
new believer that Sunday, go to the one in charge and register as this
persons prayer partner. If more than one feels led, let them talk it
through until they have assurance who should be this persons prayer
partner. You talk about a powerful ministry. This could be the best
thing in a church.

New believers class.
My joy was to teach this class during training Union before the
evening church service. I loved it. Here is a brief outline.
1. Assurance of Salvation, ralationship and fellowship, confessing of sin.
2.The Word of God
The Bible is the infallible Word of God. "As new born babes desire the
sincere milk of the word that ye may grow there by" 1 Peter 2:2. Start
reading in the Gospel of John. Why? John 20:31 and 1 Jn 5:12. Teach
how to underline verses that answer questions, and add new spiritual
knowledge etc. Then memorize verses that you give each week, such as
Ps 119:11, Josh 1:8; Ps 121:6 a vital verse for true prosperity. Key
verses for new Christians and for Christian growth.

Teach how and when to pray. "Ye have not because ye ask not" James
4:2. Teach them to have a prayer list and the things Jesus taught his
disciples to pray for such as Luke 11:1,2 and Matt 6:10-13, 1 Tim
2:1-4. Pray that He will send forth laborer, from your church too.
Matt 9:37, 38.

4. Teach the ministry of the Holy Spirit
How to be filled, Eph 5:17, 18 and 1 John 5: 14, 15. "How to walk in
the Spirit" Gal 5:16 and "they will not fulfill the lusts of the
flesh" . Teach the difference between relationship which is permanent
and fellowship[ which can be broken through sin and 1 John 1:9, when
we confess the sin, fellowship is restored.

5. Witnessing
"follow me and I will make you fishers of men" Matt 4:19. "Ye shall
receive power and ye shall be witnesses unto me. Teach how to share
the gospel which is "How Christ died for our sins, paid our debt in
full, was buried , rose again and was seen by hundreds" 1 Cor 15:1-4
for the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who
believes" Rom 1:16. All four points ought to be given every time.
Teach the joy of bringing friends and family to church and to Christ.

Any other things your pastor feels new believers need to learn.

Celeste had very scarey head pains. An MRI on her brain showed she did
not have any strokes. The pains are called late life migraine
headaches. They are not life threatening and she has not one for
sometime. We praise the Lord. It scared us terribly.

Forgive me. Belated Happy Thanksgiving. Always, "Enter into His
presence with thanksgiving" Ps 100:4. In everything give thanks, for
this is the will of God" 1 Thes 5:18. Were there not 10 cleansed?
Where are the nine" only one turned to give thanks Lk 17:17. Be one of
the one. Be thankful. ABC Sumner

Enter the drawings once a day, daily, for a pack of tracts to 10
winners in the general drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book
on pastoring to each winner of the pastor's drawing. Order some tracts
for yourself and your church 1-877-872-2871: Go to
Feature Section, read encouraging articles.

Monday, November 19, 2007

What about follow-up of new believers? This is most important

I BELIEVE IN IT WITH ALL OF MY HEART. May I share with you what we saw God do when I was a pastor. TO GOD BE THE GLORY. I know it better than anyone that God did it. Studies have been made among Baptist especially and found that just above 60 % really go on with the Lord. I have carefully and thoroughly gone over our ministry and 95 % of those who were saved in our church went on with the Lord, some bearing only 30 fold, some 60 fold and some 100 fold. Next lesson I want to tell you why we had such a nigh rate. Any church can see  a much higher rate.

The Holy Spirit follows up every new believer.
The Bible says so. "Being confident of this very thing that He, (the Holy Spirit) which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ" Phil 1:6. This was Jerry Falwell's ( my boss for 18 years at Liberty University) life verse and he was the epitome of it.

Believing the Holy Spirit will and really depending on Him to do it makes the biggest difference. As a pastor, I expected people to go on with the Lord and they did. We saw 95% go on with the Lord. Some produced 30 fold, some 60 and some 100 fold. I can not stress this enough. "He did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief" Matt 13:58. It was not that we had a better program or worked harder at it than others. I learned this from Dr. Chafer, founder of Dallas Theological Seminary and Jerry Falwell, we MUST Consciously walk in the Spirit and let Him work through us to see anything spiritual accomplished.

The woman at the well in John 4.
She had been married five times and now living with a man she had not married. I will guarantee you most would not have expected much from her. DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT. She brought a whole city to Christ. The Holy Spirit did a pretty good job didn't He. He always does if we will be filled and walk in the Spirit.

The Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8.
{Phillip led him to Christ and "the Spirit of the Lord caught away Phillip that the eunuch saw him no more and he went on his way rejoicing" Acts 8:39. Astounding. History tells us he opened the door of Africa  to the gospel. God really does make the difference in following up believers if you really operate in the Spirit.

A demonstration of the Holy Spirit and power 2 Cor 2:4 Where oh where do you see a demonstration of the Holy Spirit and power today. I am not talking about running up and down the aisles

or climbing the pews   but such a  sense of the presence of Almighty God that people are weeping for joy and in conviction of their sins of not loving the Lord Jesus enough and not preaching the gospel to EVERY person they have the slightest chance. Remember I did a series of the work of the Holy Spirit to and through believers and we found over 60 specific works of the Holy Spirit through us. How much are you seeing  the Holy Spirit do through YOU?  You must let Him have full control .  Don't miss the rest on follow up all this week.

Enter the drawings once a day, daily, for a pack of tracts to 10 winners in the general drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book on pastoring to each winner of the pastor's drawing. .Order some tracts for yourself and your church 1-877-872-2871 Go to Feature Section, read encouraging articles

Friday, November 16, 2007

How much fruit can you expect from new Christians?

This transformed my whole ministry

How much fruit can you expect
"Which also beareth fruit...some and hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty" Matt 13:23.

When I first started pastoring, I expected everyone to produce 100 fold. It just did not happen. It shocked me. I beat myself to death wondering what I was doing wrong that people did not come to church every service, did not devour the Word of God, did not witness and on and on.

Then one day
I read Matt 13:23 and got my eyes opened. Only SOME are going to produce 100 fold. The truth is not many! How tragic. I expected more and I think God does too. I have seen thousands upon thousands produce much more than I produced

 Some  thirty years ago I had the joy of leading a radical atheist to Christ. He was totally transformed from day one. He is an evangelist and has lead thousands to Christ. He has produced 100 fold and then some. The amazing thing is he had no real follow up.

God did a great job on him.

Look at Paul.
I think I know why God alone saved the Apostle Paul, and no human had a part in his salvation or service. If some person had a part, he might want to take credit and God wont allow that.

Those I led to Christ
I must say, all who came to Christ produced a lot more than I can ever take credit for. What ever you do, do not take any credit for what God alone can do and does.

Some sixty fold
Some will thrill you as they produce sixty fold. They will become teachers and workers in the church. Some will become  leaders, deacons and pastors. That is wonderful and you will rejoice and know God did it all.

Some thirty fold.
This group will be a lot larger than the 100 or 60 fold but praise God for them too. You cannot be disappointed in them. Don't take the blame that they did not produce more. In my early ministry I did blame myself and caused a lot of heart ache unnecessarily.

Now this
Here is a secret to help them produce more. Jabez, a nobody, prayed that "the hand of God might be upon him" and "God granted him his request" 1 Chron 4:10. Read Ezra 7 and 8 and see what fantastic things happened because of the "Hand of God upon them". I have learned God is still doing it today if we pray earnestly and for His glory, "that the hand of God be upon us". I have prayed it every day for years and have seen Him do it today. It humbles you beyond words. Get in on it. "Ye have not because you ask not." Ask for "the hand of God" to be upon you and your ministry EVERY DAY and see what happens through you to your utter amazement and  to His amazing glory. ABC Sumner

Enter the drawings once a day, daily, for a pack of tracts to 10 winners in the general drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book on pastoring to each winner of the pastor's drawing. .Order some tracts for yourself and your church 1-877-872-2871: Go to Feature Section, read encouraging articles.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

What to expect from those getting saved

Some reject...
"And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when you depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet" Matt 10:14. To simplify it, LEAVE THEM ALONE. Pray for them if it is someone you know. They have not rejected you but the Lord who sent you. Leave them and forget them. Go look for someone else who is prepared by God to respond. NEVER respond in a negative way.

Some say they accept but...
Take Judas for instance. He heard it all, saw it all but never caught on, was never saved. You are going to have some who say "Yes", maybe just to get you off their backs. It is not your fault. DO NOT blame yourself. NEVER. I have had my share who profess to be saved but never showed any results of salvation or fruit. We all have. Jesus knew Judas was not saved but never exposed him nor made an issue of it. Don't you do it either.

Saved ones bear fruit...
"But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit" Matt 13:23. They will bear fruit. How much differs with each person, (don't miss this part next time) but they will bear fruit. Salvation always produces good works but good works will never produce salvation. Salvation is a gift of God, "not of works lest any man should boast" Eph 2:8,9. "Faith without works is dead" James 2:20. It is not faith and works that saves but faith that Christ died for my sins paid my debt in full and rose again that produces salvation which then produces good works. "For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus UNTO good works" not because of good works. Eph 2:10.

DON'T MISS Friday's message. It transformed my ministry! I mean that. ABC Sumner

"God bless you and thank you for such wonderful encouragement and instruction!"

" I know the Lord is using you mightily in my life to become a more effective, bold not brash witness." You and I know only God can do that. Let Him use YOU!

Enter the drawings once a day, daily, for a pack of tracts to 10 winners in the general drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book on pastoring to each winner of the pastor's drawing. .Order some tracts for yourself and your church 1-877-872-2871: Go to Feature Section, read encouraging articles

Monday, November 12, 2007

Help them be sure they are saved

You have told them clearly, God Loves you and sent His Son the Lord
Jesus to suffer and die for your sins, paid your debt in full, was
buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds of people. They have
assured you they "understand" this and have prayed with you to receive
the Lord Jesus as their personal Savior. Now here is the way to help
them have assurance they are saved.

Would you be sure if God told you?
God said, "These thing I have written unto you that you may KNOW that
you have everlasting life" 1 John 5:13. Suppose God said, "You have
everlasting life" would you be sure you are saved?" I have done this
hundreds of times and everyone said, "Yes". Listen to what God said,
"He that believes on the Son has everlasting life" He did not say
"might have everlasting life" or "feel like he has everlasting life"
but HAS everlasting life. Do you believe the Lord Jesus as your
Savior? God said, "He that believes on the Son as his Savior, HAS
everlasting life." According to what God said, Do you have everlasting
life? VERY, VERY seldom has anyone said, "I don't know" or "I don't
feel any different." Most say, "Yes, I do." I then ask how do you know
and they almost always answer "Because God said so". That is saving

Any doubts?
If they have any doubts, go back over and give them the gospel, that
Christ died for their sins, paid their debt in full, was buried, rose
again and was seen by hundreds of people. The whole issue is, "Did the
Lord Jesus pay your debt of sin or didn't He?" Most will answer, "Why
Yes, He did." And God will give them assurance they are saved.

What about follow up? Be sure you read the next email. There is a
special promise about that.

"What you do today will outlive you and last for eternity!" WOW

Well Glory! "The work you are doing in the kingdom of our Lord Jesus
is good, continue doing it, do not give up." From one of you. THANKS.
I don't plan to give up. ABC Sumner

Pray for Celeste, she just had some serious tests. Details will be
told when we are told.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Be sure they understand how to be saved

Do you understand?
Do you want to be a very effective and successful soul winner? Here is a critical and essential key to success. In Matt 13, five times God uses the word "understand."  The seed that fell by the wayside"  are they that hear the word, but "understand it not" and the wicked one "catches away that which was sown in his heart".Vs 19.

The good ground
"But he that received seed into the good  ground is he that heareth the word and UNDERSTANDS IT which ALSO BEARS FRUIT" vs 23. Over the years, I have heard preachers and evangelist say, "take it by faith, don't try to understand it." NO, God says the one who will be saved and "bring forth fruit" are they who "understand it" What must they understand? That "Christ died for our sins", "for all have sinned"

Rom 3:23 and "the wages is sin is 'death'  PLEASE LISTEN. That is why Jesus died, He died for our sins, He had none of his own. "God laid on Him the iniquity of us all," Isa. 53 and He paid the penalty in full, He died for all of our sins, not just some. All of our good needs and ritual won't pay for one sin for the payment is  "death", separation from God.

Understand this
God saves and forgives us because of what Christ did not for us and not what we do for Christ.  We must trust God that Jesus died for our sins, paid our debt in full, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds of people.  No one saw Allah, or Buddha and anyone else die for our sins and rise from the dead.  We must believe these truths and  personally receive the Lord Jesus as OUR SAVIOR "to be born again", John 1:12.

No short cuts
Don't try to take any shortcuts or leave out any of these four powerful truths. Christ died for our sins, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds. That is the full gospel. Now tell it over an over until they do "understand" and you will see folks saved and bringing forth fruit to prove they are saved. ABC Sumner

"You have encouraged me greatly to be a better witness, and I'm very thankful."

"You uplift my spirit daily, keep sending me the words of God"

Enter the drawings for a pack of tracts to 10 people in the general drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book on pastoring to 5 winners in the pastors drawing. Order some tracts for you and your church 1-877-872-2871: Go to Feature Section, read encouraging articles

Monday, November 5, 2007

Use marriage to help people get saved

There are some great parallels between what you do to get saved and in what you do to get married.

Do what married people did

A man sees a married couple and says, "That man lives with a woman, has children,  supports a wife, I am going to start living with a woman, have children, support a wife  so I can be married.. NO, you don't do that to become married, you become married and then do all of that because you are married.

Do what saved people do
A man sees a Christian and says, "He joined a church, got baptized, gives to the church, and is a Christian so I am going to join the church, get baptized and give to the church so I can be saved. NO.

You must understand God loves you, sent His Son, the Lord Jesus to suffer and die for your sins, paid you debt in full, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds of people so you could be saved and then do those things because you are saved, not to get saved.

What would you say
If you went up to the gates of heaven and they asked, "Why should we let you in, what would you say?" I have asked this hundreds upon hundreds of times and most answered, " I do the best I can, I try to be a Christian, I don't do anything really bad" and think they are saved for what they do. NO, you must believe what the Lord Jesus did, paid your way to heaven, trust that and receive the Lord Jesus as your Savior, just as a man says, "Yes, I will take this woman to be my wife" and get married so he can live with a woman and have children as God intended man to do.

Do it right now
If you really understand Christ died for your sins, paid your way in full and rose again, Tell God right now, I believe on the Lord Jesus as my Savior too and want to receive Him as my Savior so I can go to heaven. Write and tell me about it. God loves you and so do I, All Because of Calvary, Sumner

One of you wrote "Thanks for sharing Gods word and your wisdom with us. I truly and greatly appreciate your e-mails." Thank YOU, Sumner.

Enter the drawings for a pack of tracts to 10 people in the general drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book on pastoring to 5 winners in the pastors drawing. Order some tracts for you and your church 1-877-872-2871: Go to Feature Section, read encouraging articles.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Look what drawing winners get this time

I blew it. I should have told about it in my last email, Halloween, I hope you did it.

Last night I had the thrill of a lifetime. At least 150 came to my door trick or treating. My joy was to treat them. Each one got a chance to go to heaven. I gave them a tract. As I gave them candy, I make them look me in the eye and said, "Please read this, it tells you how to go to heaven" and made them promise to read it. I have goose bumps right now just thinking, as I have prayed all day, that many might get saved. To the little children, their parents were with them and I gave them tracts and made them promise to read it.

There were scores of teenagers. They promised. Folks think about it, Last night there were far more lost people who got the gospel at my door, than will be in 100 average churches this Sunday. We must get the gospel to them where they are.

The biggest football game
What went on at our house last night, was a million times more important than what goes on in the biggest football game this week end. "Set your affections, your desires. on things above." You do what you want to do. We must think much higher than the world. My PASSION is to help you do it and lay up tons of treasures in heaven instead of leaving it all right here. ABC, I love YOU. Sumner

One of you wrote this to me. FANTASTIC IDEA.
"My daughter, who lives in Sac.Ca has many experiences with people asking for money. She asked me for some of your tracts so I sent her 10 of them. She puts a dollar in each one and when asked for a hand out she gives them a tract with the   dollar in it...Just last Friday she was with a lady friend having lunch when she was asked for money. The man took the tract, took out the dollar and was reading the tract as he walked away and we all know that " His word will not return void."  "Go thou and do likewise!" Make sense?

Someone said, "Sumner has the BEST way of putting it, I would love to learn and share the tract, God Keep Blessing this gifted man. Love in Jesus"  You and I know, GOD DOES IT ALL....Enter the drawings for 10 packs of tracts in the general drawing and 5 packs of tracts and with one book on pastoring to each winner. .Order some tracts for you and your church 1-877-872-2871: Go to Feature Section, read encouraging articles

"The older I get, the better I used to be". -- Unknown,

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It is essential that people want to be saved, not only how

"No man can come except the Father draw him" Jn 6:44. You can be sure HE WILL  draw men.
To the Pharisees, He said, "You will not come me that ye might be saved"  Jn 5:40 not you can not come.

If I be lifted up
And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, WILL draw ALL  men unto me.
This he said signifying what death he should die" Jn 12:32, 33..
This verse is often miss quoted or miss used. He is talking about being "lifted up on the Cross" and dying for our sins, that he WILL draw ALL men UNTO HIM. Many ask, "What about the heathen who never heard the gospel?" GOD SAID, He WILL draw ALL men, that includes the heathen. They do have a chance if they respond to the drawing, desire to know God, that God put in their hearts. If they respond to the "drawing" God will see to it that they get the gospel. NO missionary has gone to a people who never heard the gospel and find some already saved. They have gone in many times and found people who are ready and respond to the gospel the first time they hear it.

NOW, I know God is drawing people today and I just look for the ones He is drawing and try to lead them to Christ. Believing God is drawing people and obeying Him to get the gospel to EVERY person is the key to soul winning. If you sow sparingly you will reap sparingly. Sow bountifully and you reap bountifully. It is as simple as that.

Dear people, YOU and I must get the gospel to people for He is drawing multitudes today. Jonathon Falwell, Jerry Falwell's son, is reaping hundreds for he is preaching the gospel with a passion, you do the same and reap the same. I love you, ABC Sumner

God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go."

Only today left to enter the drawings for packs of tracts. Many went out this month. Order some for you and your church 1-877-872-2871. Go to  Feature Section, read encouraging articles  New articles every month!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Two essentials to be saved: What to do and want to do

What to do
This is our privilege. People will never know what to do to be saved until they know what Jesus did to get them saved. I have said this over and over, we must get across that the Lord Jesus suffered and died for our sins, paid the debt in full. I say suffered for 1 Peter

3:18 brings more conviction  "For Christ has once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but quickened (raised) by the Spirit."

This was a great miracle
Over 40 years ago when I was on the faculty of Moody Bible Institute, Celeste and I went on visitation for our church one night. It was 5 degrees below zero, and I was a Florida sunshine boy. Through very unusual circumstances, to long to tell, we went to our service station owners house, he was at work. His wife invited us in out of the terrible cold.

We talked for a few minutes and I found she was not saved. I shared the gospel and quoted, "Christ has once suffered for sins". Barbara burst into tears. I finished telling her how the Lord Jesus died for our sins, paid our debt in full, rose again and was seen by hundreds of people.  Gladly she prayed to receive the Lord Jesus as her savior.

Then she said, "I knew you were coming tonight." I said "What do you mean". "I have prayed all day God would send someone to night to tell me how to be saved" and she got a double dose of salvation. She later told my wife she had been so miserable that she threw a plate against the wall and it broke into pieces. Later her husband, his brother and wife got saved and have gone on with the Lord all these years. GOD DID THAT FROM BEGINNING TO END.

He suffered for our sins
We are all so used to seeing death on TV and in movies we are almost immuned to death. Every Christian ought to think every day how the Lord Jesus suffered for our sins. He took all the physical suffering and "opened not His mouth", but when God "laid on him the iniquity of us all" He cried out, "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me" and at that moment He was separated from God and paid the full price for our sins. WHAT A SAVIOR. Soak all of this in and share it with every person you can and see God do the same convicting. It is absolutely eternal ecstasy. You will become captivated by it and can't help but share the gospel. You are loved by God and me, ABC Sumner

"I have learned SO MUCH from the Holy Spirit through you. I am so very grateful. You are doing such a terrific job." YOU KNOW, "To God be the glory" He does it all.

Only a few more days to enter the drawings for packs of tracts. Many went out this month. Order some for you and your church 1-877-872-2871: Go to  Feature Section, read encouraging articles

Friday, October 26, 2007

You can not stress the gospel too much Happy 85 th B'day Sumner

You can not stress the gospel enough. Happy birthday 85th birthday, Sumner


"I declare unto you the that Christ died for our sins...and that he was buried, and that he rose again and that he was seen by above 500 people" ! Cor 15:1-6.
Time after time you hear people and preachers tell, "You ought share your faith" or "You ought to share Christ." NO. We need to stop saying that. We are to share the gospel! For it is the gospel that is "the power of God unto salvation" Rom. 1:16. If you want to see people get saved, born again, become new creatures, GIVE THEM THE GOSPEL.

Share you faith
It is common to talk about the "Baptist faith" or "Methodist faith" What it implies is the Baptist's or Methodist's doctrine. People are scared to death they are going to have to defend their beliefs. NO. We are to share the gospel not defend or declare or deliver our faith. There is a world of difference and we muddy the waters telling people to "share your faith." The truth is no one ever got saved by us sharing our "faith."

Sharing Christ
People often think they have "witnessed" if they admit they are a Christian or talk about Jesus or talk about church or religion. No, we witness when we tell the gospel.

Share the gospel
The "gospel" means "good news." Boy do we ever have good news for a sin sick, lost world. God has not asked us to share bad news but good news. Please let this soak in until you are so excited about telling family, friends, and foes the good news.

"Christ died on the cross"
Is not the gospel. Those two thieves died on a cross. The good news is not that Christ died for us. Those soldiers are dying for us. The gospel is the Christ died for our sins, paid the debt in full, rose again and was seen by hundreds. Sin is the bottom line problem. Read tracts listen to sermons carefully and it will shock you how often they say "Christ died for us" or "Christ died on the cross" and feel confident they have preached the gospel. THINK. The unsaved person does not have a clue what it really means that Christ died on the cross. The liberals look at it as though He was martyred or showing a great example of love. No, He was dying for your sins and mine. The debt has been paid in full! Now that is good news. The only reason I will not go to hell is Christ for all of my sins paid the debt in full and rose again and was seen by hundreds, the proof he was risen from the dead.

People aften say, "Sumner" you are a great soul-winner. NO. I just give the gospel over and over and as clear as possible. People then believe the gospel and receive the Lord Jesus and their lives are changed. Doesn't that make sense?

Someone said, "You have the best website with more encouragment" Enter the drawings for packs of tracts .Order some for you and your church 1-877-872-2871: Go to Feature Section, read encouraging articles.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Why I say, what I say - This will help you witness effectively

There is an old saying about witnessing that has gone around for years. It is, "You have to get them lost before you can get them saved." NO, NO, NO. If you do not remember anything I say, please remember this, we are to give them the gospel, the good news to people, that Christ died for their sins, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds. 1 Cor 15:1-4.  THAT is the power of God unto salvation. The Holy Spirit is to do the convicting and convincing.

You must stay focused on giving them the gospel.

Lost people, unsaved, non Christians really do not know that God loves them. NEVER start out telling them they are sinners, so are you but you know God loves you. When I heard that it blew my mind and still stands out in my mind. John 3:16 starts out "God so loved the world." Campus Crusade's Four Spiritual Laws starts out with that truth and is probably most used tract ever put out.

You are a sinner is so prominent in tracts and witnessing and so terrible often the good news is not even given as pointedly and emphatically. "We are all in the same boat, we have all done wrong, we have all sinned haven't we" is a far better way to put it. I NEVER have someone not agree they too have sinned when I present it that way. Use it. It works.

There are two groups of people in the world, One expecting to get to heaven by what they do, the other by what the Lord Jesus did, when He died for our sins, paid our debt in full. This summarizes and clarifies your witness like nothing else I have ever seen.

Do you "understand" what I have explained? Five times in Matt 13, God uses the word "understand", The seed that fell on bad ground are those who "understand it not" the seed that fell on good ground (Mat

13:23) are the ones who "understand"  and bring forth fruit. This is vital to getting a genuine conversion. You will see far more results from witnessing if you are careful that they understand the gospel.

Hope this helps, love you, ABC Sumner

"Thanks. This is a really a neat way to witness. I am definitely going to use this" Hope you do too.

Someone else wrote, "You have the best website with more encouragement" Enter the drawings for packs of tracts Order some for you and your church

1-877-872-2871: Go to Feature Section, read encouraging articles

Monday, October 22, 2007

Let me tell you some good news that someone told me

God loves you and me and has done all He can to prove His love and prepare us for heaven.  (Tell , right now, in one or two sentences where you heard this gospel, in a church service or though a tract or a friend told you). Here is how I do it. "I was seventeen years old, a  friend invited me to go with him on a Sunday in 1940. I had been only once as a 10 year old boy before that at the invitation of another friend  who also was also ten. A good lesson in this I will tell next time.

That preacher told us that day how God loved us. That blew my mind for I had never heard that God loved me but I thought He was a big cop ready to clobber me into hell.  He pointed out we are all in the same boat for we have all done wrong, we have All sinned too, haven't we. Next he pointed out that the wages of sin is death, spiritual death, separation from God forever.

Now  he told how God sent His own son, the Lord Jesus, to suffer and die for our sins, paid our debt in full, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds of people." By now the Holy Spirit was doing a pretty good job of my convicting me of my sins. I have found He always does if I depend on Him to do the convicting and I give the gospel which is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes.

Now the whole issue is whether we will believe God that Jesus paid our debt of sins in full.  The whole world is divided into two groups of people. One believes in what  they are doing to get them to heaven.  Many will say, "Lord, haven't we done many wonderful things, in Thy name" and expect to get into heaven because of the good thing they have done. He will say, "Depart from me, I never knew you. "Many believe in some ritual, getting baptized or joining a church and trying to live right and do good things is going to get them into heaven. The other group believes what the Lord Jesus did, suffering and dying for our sins, paid the debt,  and rose again so we can be forgiven. If we will just trust Just Jesus paid our debt of sins in full and receive Him as our personal Savior we will be saved , born again.  Do you understand that! Doesn't it make sense?

Wouldn't you like to receive the Lord Jesus as your Savior right now? Just as a man says "Yes" to the Preacher, I take this woman to be my wife, could you tell God, I believe the Lord Jesus paid for my sins too and I want to receive Him as my Savior right now. If they say yes, (I all ways expect them to say yes") "Say, let us bow our heads for a quick word of prayer and you pray, and pray this pray out loud to the Lord?  "Dear God, I know I  have sinned too. I am so sorry.  I believe You that the Lord Jesus suffered and died for my sins, paid my debt in full, was buried, rose from the dead and was seen by hundreds of people. Lord Jesus. I trust you, I believe you die for my sins too and I want to receive you as My Lord and Savior.

Give me a new birth and the power to live for You, In Jesus name I ask this.

"Recently you have been writing about very practical ways to start conversations and move them towards the gospel. This is perhaps the most valuable thing I can learn. Thank you for this,"

"Pray for souls" You have not because you don't "keep on asking"

Let's go fishing this week. ABC Sumner

Friday, October 19, 2007

How to use murder to witness the gospel

How to know
May I tell you how to know for sure you are going to heaven. Then I ask, If you died right now and went up to the gates of heaven and they asked you, Why should we let you into heaven, what would you say. This is the best question I have ever found to get to know where they really stand.

Here are some answers
"I love people", "I am doing all the good I can", "I believe in God", etc. Then I say, "Suppose someone ,molested and murdered you daughter and came before the judge and say, judge, I love people, I am doing the best I can. I do all the good I can. Can the judge say, that is fine, you can go free doing all of that." "I believe in God" and quote back to them why they think that ought to go to heaven. It is amazing how they catch on to this and see how wrong they were.

Never say, "The first thing you need to realize, you are a sinner." I read every tract I can. Most start out by saying, the first thing you need to know is your are a sinner." When you do that you have slapped them in the face. They become defensive and is why so many never lead someone to Christ

This works
I use this all the time and never have someone not admit they have sinned. I say, "I don't know a thing about you but we are all in the same boat, we have all done wrong, We have all sinned. Haven't we? Saying it like that, I have never had a person not admit they have sinned. Saying "We have all done wrong first, most people equate sinning as murder or rape or some other horrible thing. Then to equate that doing wrong to sin, always gets them to admit they too have sinned.

Good news
Now you are ready to give them the gospel, the good news. Let this soak in. Remember this so you can tell it clearly. More next time. You are loved by God and me. ABC C. Sumner Wemp Dallas, TX

Special announcement. NO ONE on our team gets one cent from this ministry. We all give into it. A good number have asked about giving to the missions project of getting tracts published in different languages around the world. You can now and get tax credit for it. Send money to "Northside Baptist Church, 3130 Moon Rd. Mesquite, TX 75150. Designate it to Tract Ministry. Every cent goes into this mission's project. We will keep you posted. We love you. ABC C.
Sumner Wemp

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Give a tract to someone delivering, passing out or selling something

Give a tract to someone delivering, passing out or selling something
Sumner Wemps Spiritual Encouragement & Motivation

Give a gospel tract to those delivering, passing out, or selling

Someone comes to your door, delivering, passing out, or selling
Have tracts on a table near your door. Thank them for their
delivering and then say, "Let me give you something, you will like
this, it just tells you how to get to heaven". You don't have to be
slick Willie or tricky Dick, just offer them a tract. Wait a few
seconds to see if they respond in any way.

The best question
Then I ask, "Can I ask you my pet question?" No one has ever refused
when I ask that so I just keep using it. I ask, "Do you know for
sure you are going to heaven." very few say for sure they know they
are going to heaven. Many will reply, "I hope so, I am doing the
best I can. I am trying. I don't know. " Here is the best analogy.
"Suppose you ask me, "Sumner, are you married." Here is the
clincher, Suppose I answer, "I hope so. I am doing the best I can.
I am trying to be, I don't know." Just repeat what thy told you
about going to heaven. It works.It is amazing how they catch on to
that. You either are or not.

How to know
Can I tell you how to know for sure you are going to heaven.
Then I ask, If you died right now and went up to the gates of heaven
and they asked you, Why should we let you into heaven, what would
you say. This is the best question I have ever found to get to know
where they really stand. To be continued.

Sometimes you reap
In a Home Depot I was looking for something and could not find it.
Sandy came up and asked, "Can I help you?" I said Sandy, I need a
lot of help. She took me right to what I needed. Graciously I
thanked her and gave her a gospel tract and said this just tells you
how to go to heaven, She blurted out, "I need that." I told her
how God loved her and His Son, the Lord Jesus, suffered and died for
our sins, paid our debt in full, rose again and was seen by
hundreds." She was so ready and prayed out loud right there to
receive the Lord Jesus as her Savior with tears in her eyes.

Special announcement. NO ONE on our team gets one cent from this
ministry. We all give into it. A good number have asked about giving
to the missions project of getting tracts published in different
languages around the world. You can now and get tax credit for it.
Send money to "Northside Baptist Church, 3130 Moon Rd. Mesquite, TX
75150. Every cent goes into this mission's project. We will keep you
posted. We love you. ABC Sumner

Monday, October 15, 2007

Have a plan: how to approach people and how to present the gospel

Have a plan: how to approach a person and how to present the gospel.

Never embarrass a person.
A person at your door, a clerk in a store are great prospects. Don't poke a tract at a person, be as gracious as possible. Hold the tract in front of them so they can read the title, then say, "May I give you something good to read? You will like that, it just tells you how to go to heaven." If they say, "I am a believer" or "I already have my ticket" or
"I already know I am gong there." Say, "That is wonderful, how about reading this and then give it someone else so they have a chance to go to heaven too." Most will do it.

Plant seed to reap souls
I love to go shopping with my wife. She goes shopping and I go fishing. The more you do it the more you learn a good approach. In a grocery store, a clerk smiles and says, "Can I help you?" I have a pet way to say, "I need a lot of help" and this always brings a smile. Then I say, "Let me give you something good to read when you have time, you will like this, it just tells you how to go to heaven." Most are busy and that is all you normally should do and just pray right then that they might be saved from reading the tract. Another shopper smiles and says, "Hi". I say hi back and then do the same and say, "Let me give you something good to read"...and go on. They now have a chance to go to heaven. You have now given them the gospel!

Late one night in a Seven Eleven store, I gave the clerk a tract. He was so ready and after I gave him the gospel, he gladly prayed out loud to receive the Lord Jesus. then he said, "My wife has been begging me for 15 years to get saved. Wait till I tell her how I got saved at 2 a. m. in the store. We MUST believe God that "the harvest is plenteous" and expect Him to use the gospel to get others saved. THAT IS WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT.

Special announcement. NO ONE on our team gets one cent from this ministry. We all give into it. A good number have asked about giving to the missions project of getting tracts published in different languages around the world. You can now and get tax credit for it. Send money to "Northside Baptist Church, 3130 Moon Rd. Mesquite, TX 75150. Every cent goes into this mission's project. We will keep you posted. We love you. ABC Sumner