Friday, November 14, 2008

Don't neglect so great salvation and here is why.

Why is it so great a salvation?

1. because your sins are all forgiven and forgotten. "I will remember them against you no more.

2. Because you are born again with a brand new life. Old things are passed away, all things are become new!

3. Your name is written down in heavens guest list. The book of life. WOW

4. You are no longer a child of the devil but a child of God. You are the Kings son.

An heir of God and joint heir with Christ

5. You will no longer go to hell and suffer for your sins. You will go to heaven and be filled with the joys of heaven.

If you are not sure you are going to heaven please believe God that the Lord Jesus, who knew no sin, suffered and died for YOUR sins, paid your debt in full, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds. Understand that God saves you not for all the good you did but for what Jesus did in paying your debt in full. Believe God and receive the LORD Jesus as your savior by calling on the Lord in your heart and tell God, "I believe the Lord Jesus died for my sins too and I receive him in my heart to be my Savior too. Thanks you for hearing my prayer. "He that believes on the Son (as his savior too) has everlasting life" Jn 3:36. Do your believe on Jesus as your Savior? Do you have everlasting life like He said? If you did this today, PLEASE write and tell me about it. I want to rejoice with you. ABC Sumner

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How shall we escape if we NEGLECT so great salvation?

What a poem.: I want to enlarge on this "GREAT SALVATION" the next few weeks

I read of a man who stood to speak

At the funeral of a friend

He referred to the dates on her tombstone

From the beginning --- to the end

He noted that first came her date of birth

And spoke the following date with tears

But he said what mattered most of all

Was the dash between those years.

(l945 - 2008)

For that dash represents all the time

That she spent alive on earth

And now only those who loved her

Know what that little line is worth

For it matters not, how much we own

The cars --- the house --- the cash

What matters is how we live and love

And how we spend our dash

How are you spending your "DASH". Are you neglecting that "GREAT SALVATION"?

"O how He loved you and me" Don't miss these next few lessons.

Did you give that clerk a chance to go to heaven?

I love you Kind sir! I love you dear lady! ABC (All Because of Calvary) Sumner

All new web site articles. You must down load "Helen Roseveare's message." Its free. It is probably the greatest message I ever heard. 

Monday, November 10, 2008

An easy way to evangelize many

Another method of evangelizing people you will never meet down here but some, through this you will meet in heaven. I make a copy of this, then open my emails that I do not know and reply with this message. No telling how many might be savd and you are giving the gosple like God told us, to many who never otherwise would hear. Here is what I set up.

Good news! God loves you and sent the Lord Jesus to suffered and die for your sins, paid your debt in full, was buried but He rose again and was seen by hundreds. God said, If you will trust what He did to save you and receive the Lord Jesus in your heart to be your Savior too, He will give you a new birth, a brand new start in life and take you to heaven instead of you going to hell, like Satan wants you to do. Call on Him to save you right now.

I make it brief on purpose and trust the Holy Sspirit to convict and onvert. Make sense?

It also stops some who continuously send unwanted emails from sending them.

"Pray for Kings and all in authroity, 1 Tim 2. This must be a daily prayer.

It overwhelms me the way God is using "Your Ticket to Heaven." .Severzl people this week said, "Oh, Ineed that." What a response. I alwys say, "We all do" call 1-877-872-2871, ask for sales. I GET NOTHING FROM THIS.

Pro. 3:1,4 Keep my commandments, so shall thou find favor with God and man