Friday, October 30, 2009

A Man without Honor in His Own House!

"Jesus said to them, "Only in his hometown, among his relatives and in
his own house is a prophet without honor" Mark 6:4.

As I meditated on this verse it hit me how too often a man, a husband,
a father, is not honored or safe in his own house and among his own

To whom honor is due
"Marriage is honorable" Heb 13:4. We are to "honor all men" and to
"honor the king" 1 Peter 2:17. "Children are to "honor thy father and
mother" Mark 10:17. A man is to "give honor to his wife" 1 Peter 3:7.
"Give everyone what you owe him: if honor, then honor " Rom 13:7.

LOOK for things to admire
One of you wrote me, "Thank you for this message. I need this and more
than I know. I realize that the Bible tells me that I am to respect my
husband but have been finding this very difficult for good reason.
Thank you for helping me to remember to LOOK for things to admire (O
dear people, this is the KEY, LOOK FOR THINGS TO ADMIRE AND TELL HIM
SO, sumner). Bless you for your words of encouragement."

A man I mentored, rose like a meteor to become Vice President of a
corporation. He was admired and praised by all in the business, Sadly,
at home his wife noted all of his faults and reminded him of
everything. No wonder he became attracted to a lady at the office who
admired him and showed it (We do not condone a man to cheat on his
wife for any reason). He was starved for admiration and MOST MEN ARE!

O dear ladies, you know how to hornswaggle your husband, how to make
him putty in your hand, how to become the queen on the throne at home.
Charles Swab, who was known for his leadership in the business world,
when asked his secret, he said, "Be lavish with your praise." Dear
lady, try that on your husband and see a miracle right before your
eyes. You learn this key and use it and it will transform your

YOU and I must stop quibbling about what our spouses do and begin
doing our part and what we know to do to bring real happiness and
harmony in our marriages. Now, doesn't that make sense?

How wives get the ATTENTION and men get the ADMIRATION in the next
email. Don't miss it. It will transform your living and marriage.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What Women need and Want

Men need and want ADMIRATION. See Friday's email. Women need and want ATTENTION. Someone sent me a book entitled "What men know about women?" You guessed it, it was totally blank, NOTHING. Someone said if a man thinks for one minute he can understand women he has timed it just about right!

Why women do it

There is a valid reason women have their weeping spells, spend so much time shopping, fixing their hair, changing the furniture around and a thousand other things characteristic of women. Women need attention. God wired them that way. They will do anything in the world to get attention (more on this later). If we men every realize that and feed them the right kind of attention it can transform the relationship and marriage.

Her hair do

Here is a woman, she goes to the beauty parlor, gets her hair washed, rolled up in those rat tails (curlers), sits under the hair dryer. The operator spend hours, it seems, fixing her hair. She comes home and her husband never notices. Finally she asks, "How do you like my new hair do." He hasn't slipped, he slupped. Than he makes a quick glance and says casually, "It looks fine" or some other casual remark and she begins to bawl. The smart husband will stop everything and rave about her hair and how beautiful she is. That will get him a few hundred points that night.

Husbands are to "cherish" their wives Eph. 5:29. That means to give her TLC, tender loving care, and that includes noticing her, giving her attention.

Notice your wife

Husbands notice you wife, her dress, her shoes, her makeup, any thing new and PAY ATTENTION by giving her the compliments she deserves and desires. More on this and examples of what to do. Next time I am going to tell you how to save tons of money if you will do this one simple thing.

Prayer:  Father, help us men to understand our wives and notice them, pay attention to the hundreds of signs that they need our attention. In Jesus name

Monday, October 26, 2009

Women! What Men desperately Need.

"If any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives" 1 Peter 3:1. "Likewise, husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge" 3:7. That goes for women as well to dwell with their husbands according to knowledge. Here is something every wife needs to know about men, their husband.

Men need admiration

Why is it that most men marry women who are shorter than they are, younger than they are? A man needs a woman to look up to him, not just physically but in every way. If women catch on to this and do it, they will wrap their man around their little finger forever.

Men have inferiority complexes

MOST men have an inferiority complex. Deep down inside very few men have a superiority complex. Over the past 13 years, I have mentored over 300 pastors, missionaries, evangelists and business men for various lengths of time. ALL of them need encouragement and admiration, believe me. I DO! Women need "attention" more on that next week.

The demands on husbands

Today, the world is success oriented. If a man doesn't own two cars, a boat and climbing the ladder of success, he can feel a failure deep down inside. He needs to know his wife admires him no matter what.

The reason he hangs out...

Men hang out with men who accept them, who admire them. Believe me, if he gets the admiration of his wife and children he wont need those men he hangs out with nearly as much. Oh, dear wife, learn this. Look at his good points and strengths. Brag on him and rave about his good points. Let him know he is the greatest guy in the world in your eyes. If he isn't, you had better magnify his good points until you feel that way about him and lo and behold he will act like the best and become the best just for you. Doesn't that make sense? Most husbands will become what you think of them to be. THINK on this. It is a powerful truth. Oh, my, the influence you have over your husband.

Dear people, almost daily I am getting emails about marriages that are in trouble or breaking up right now. Happy marriages don't happen, they are worked at. Do it dear people, do it.

Prayer:  Father give this husband and wife knowledge to know what each other needs to make their marriage filled with joy and Your purpose for them. In Jesus name
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