Friday, December 5, 2008

Top priority for 2009

The first priority

Thy word was found and I did eat them and they were the joy and rejoicing of my heart"

Jer. 15:16. "Desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow" 1 Pet. 2:2. "The entrance of thy word giveth light".

Have you fed yourself spiritually this past year? I have found reading 5 chapters daily is a good starting place. You can read many epistles in one day. You get a good balanced meal spiritually. That is my basic diet each day. Start in the N. T. and if you have had a hard time in the O. T. in the past.reading the Bible, go back and read the N. T. again. I have done that a number of times myself. It helps. It is easy to get busy and bogged down that you put reading too far down on your list. DON'T DO IT THIS YEAR. I rebound Dr. Harry A. Ironsides Bible when he pastored Moody Church with 4,000 attending. He had his Bible reading record in the back. He had just read through the Bible for the 75 th time. WOW. No wonder he was such a man of God.

Underline verses that speak to your heart, meditate on them, memorize some.

Remember, "Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away" Mk 13:31. and "If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time."

Make listening to God a top priority. ABC Sumner

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"Happy New Year": here is how to make it happen

Wishing for it or others wishing you have the one, wont make it happen. The Lord willing I want to help us all to make it a happy new year. I don't mean to make a gob of new year's resolutions.

Setting some priorities in you life will though. God says, "Seek first"...

"Above as things." "Forgetting those things that are behind you." are a few of the admonitions to have a really happy new year.

In my 86 years of life I have found setting priorities in your life will do it. For the rest of this month, wont you think seriously and carefully about what priorities you want for the new year and lets set some.

What about listening to God as He tells un in His Word what to do. My first priority is to hear from heaven, read the Word of God. Is reading the Bible on your priority list at all? Where does it rank. Please, with me, begin a list of daily priorities for 2009. "Listen to this story. "Thy word was found and I did eat them and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart. Jer. 15:16.

Have a merry Christmas along the way, ABC Sumner.

click here, then click on "best sellers' and go down until you come to "Your ticket to Heaven (twice) 

Monday, December 1, 2008

Pray God will send forth laborers

A prayer list for now and the new year


The disciples said "Teach us to pray" and Jesus gave them a prayer list. Luke 10. "To have an effective pray life you must have a prayer list" (Sumner) Having a prayer list transformed my prayer life and many others I have shared this with. Here are some essentials to be in that prayer list.


1. "Give us this day our daily bread" (needs). God fed the children of Israel one day at a time. They could not store it up. Since I caught this over 30 years ago and prayed it every day, , we have not had one financial crunch or crisis.


2. "Hallowed be Thy name" With all the anti-Christian attacks. Pray what He said.


3. "Pray for kings and all in authority 1 Tim 2. (that they might be saved) and "Thy will be done on earth. Make sense?


4. "Pray the Lord of harvest that He will send forth laborers." With studies showing less than 5 % of Christians ever lead a soul to Christ, we must pray this. That .is why our nation is filled with anti-Christian attacks. It is our fault with so few are leading anyone to Christ when the harvest in plenteous.


5. "Pray, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven"

There are two parables on prayer Lk. 11 and 18. and both teach "Keep on asking" daily.

ABC Sumner


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