Monday, March 10, 2008

See what happened 68 years ago tomorrow, Tues. It is effecting you right now.

I was a 16 year old kid, lost as a three dollar bill, cursing like a dog, 4 in the morning getting ready to deliver my newspaper route when Gene Gaskins, of Jax Fla. asked me why I cursed so much. I let him have it. He did the strangest thing, he asked me to go to church with him the next Sunday. My reply was, I don't go to church. Three weeks before this, I was in one of the worse honky tonks in Jacksonville, Fla.

Guess what God did. He honored Gene's simple witness and began drawing me. Until the next Sunday I could hardly wait to go to church. As far as I know, I had gone to church only one time when I was about 8  years old and do not remember a thing about it.

I had never held a Bible. I did not know there was an O. T. and N. T. When I heard it, I had no idea what in the world they were talking about. I had never heard "Jesus loves me this I know". To be continued!

PLEASE invite people, especially young people, to go to church with you. God says, "Compel them to come". When I was a pastor, I stressed this to our people and it worked and paid off wonderfully with many getting saved. To God be the glory, the last two years I pastored, we had more people saved than any other church in our city and we were far from the largest church. GOD DID IT through our people inviting and bringing people to church. We must not go to heaven all by ourselves. We must get many others to go with us. ABC Sumner

Yesterday, I had the joy of leading a clerk to Christ in our super market grocery store. Last week I gave him a "Ticket to Heaven".  Yesterday, I saw him and asked if he knew he was going to heaven. He did not. I gave him the gospel again quickly and he now understood it and was saved right then and he thanked me over and over. Hope you win one this week.

All new articles on our website All new drawings. Enter the drawing once a day, daily for the best chance to get your name drawn.

Get our newest tract, "Your Ticket to Heaven" Call 1-877-827-2871 ask for "sales" to order them in KJV, Spanish or ESV.. ABC Sumner