Friday, May 30, 2008

God love you talking to him in prayer. It is precious

The Preciousness of Prayer


          Whatever else might be said of prayer, "It is most holy unto the Lord" (Ex. 30:10). Without a doubt God loves to hear His children talk to Him. Parents cherish the memory of their children first beginning to talk and coming to them even with the most insignificant little requests. If talking to one another is so precious and real to us, how much more must it be between God and His own children. God wants us to pray; He wants to hear us talk to Him; He wants to know our burdens and sorrows. It delights Him to hear us tell Him the request of our hearts, that He as our heavenly Father might do something about them.


          God was greatly provoked as they were "burning incense unto other gods in the land of Egypt" (Jer. 44:8). Not only did they burn incense to other gods, but they burned incense unto the "queen of heaven" (vv. 17-19, 25). This, of course, God forbids, for incense is holy and precious to the Lord. To offer up prayer to anyone other than God Himself is an abomination. This is very serious. It is disobedience unto God. Prayer is "most holy unto the Lord" (Ex. 30:10). May we keep it that way in all our practice, that there be no perversion of our offering of incense which belongs to God alone and offer prayers anyone else. Make sense? ABC Sumner

Pro.1:24, 25. "Because I have called, and ye refused; ye have set at nought all my counsel, I will mock when your fear cometh" He is God, our Father. Obey & honor Him

Everyone of you ought to go to right now and enter the drawing for a free pack of tracts. The 31st is the last day to enter this month. THANKS to so many of you who write me encouraging notes. I NEED THEM. I had a rough week last week. "Exhort one another, DAILY" call a friend or your pastor and encourage them.

" I enjoy reading these articles first thing in the morning. They help to get my day started right. Thank you so much for your faithfulness."