Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Practice of Prayer-end of day-offer THANKSGIVING for great results

The Practice of Prayer
"And Aaron shall burn thereon sweet incense every morning:when he dresseth the lamps, he shall burn incense upon it: (Ex. 30:7). When is the best time to pray? God instructed Aaron to offer incense every morning. Every believer will admit it is good to pray in the morning when your mind is fresh and clear, uncluttered with the day's affairs. The Bible starts out, "In the beginning God..." We too should begin every day with God. We need instruction and inspiration to face the day; we know not what the day may hold, but we know Who holds the day.
A good example is given in Psalm 5:3, "My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee and will look up." Many great saints of God found the early morning hours, when all is quiet and one can be alone, the best time to spend with God in prayer. Christ set an example in Mark 1:35, "In the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed." For us to find a solitary place, it is almost a must that we get up early If we wait until later in the day we may find ourselves so rushed from one essential duty to another that we shove prayer aside and never find time to pray as we should.
Application: What should we pray for? We pray for Joe's toe, Jack's back and Jane's pains because they asked us to. FINE. Do you pray for what God asked you to? Do it and you will be amazed . For instance, He said, "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall PROSPER who love Israel," Ps. 122:6. We ought to pray for them EVERY DAY. More on praying for this and others EVERY DAY. I have prayed for this DAILY for years. It pays great dividends. Wait til you see the Scriptural admonition to pray for many things DAILY. You are loved by God and me, ABC. Sumner 1 Jn 3:2.
"You have no idea how you have inspired me and shaped much of who I am today." from a very successful young pastor I taught in college, being used of God greatly. We know God does it but what a joy to hear God used you. Oh dear pastor, weep and pray for God to use you to help shape young people and young preachers lives and ministry.
All new web site. Now Hear This. The motivational article is the best you will ever read. It will motivate you and give transforming thoughts. A Must Read. Order "Your Ticket to Heaven" 1-877-872-2871. Almost daily, I hear an unusual story of God using it. Remember I get nothing from it.