Monday, September 21, 2009

Cherish Your Wife

"Husbands cherish your wife" Eph 5:29.

Cherish your wife.
The Greek word for "cherish" is awesome. "Thalpo" cherish, primarily means to heat, to soften by heat; the to keep warm, as of birds covering their young with their feathers, Deut. 22:6. Metaphorically, to cherish with tender love, to foster with tender care of Christ and the church. Used In 1 Thes. 2:7 of the care of the saints at Thessalonica by the Apostle and his associates as of a nurse for her children. Taken from Vines Greek studies.

Husbands, we aren't made that way, and I top the list. We have to work at it. God says, "Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives " 1 Peter 3:7. What do you know about women, about your wife? You and I know one thing, they need TONS of "tender loving care" and if your want them to meet your "needs" we must meet their needs of TLC. Doesn't that make sense? Sure it does.

No frigid women
Years ago I read this statement, "There are not frigid wives only clumsy husbands who do not know how to warm them up with tender loving care." The older I get, the more counseling I do, the more I know about women, the more I know about my wife, the more that statement becomes absolutely true.

Women need tender touching
I read a wise counselor who said women need to be tenderly touched at least ten times a day. That endearing love pat, that tender kiss for no special reason, that gentle stroke of her hair, that hug, that embraced for a minute or two that make her feel so loved and secure in your arms, in fact all those things you did courting her and making her think you were the personification of Romeo. Come on men, get rid of that macho image and just love the stew out of your wife, "cherish her" warm her up. Doesn't that make sense? Go back to courting her, woo her, be so attractive she will melt in your arms. You know how often sport coaches tell their players, "Go back to the basics." We men need that in our marriages. Do it, kind sir and watch her submit to you in every way.

Prayer:  Father, You went out of your way to woo and win us. Help us men to go out of our way to woo and win our wives for our own good and Your glory, in Jesus name.