Monday, January 18, 2010

Husbands will love this one

"Let her breasts satisfy you at all times" 1 Chron. 12:32. Be loving. Be gentle. Be tender. Be kind. Remember she is the "weaker vessel." Women are aroused and prepared for that wonderful physical expression of love. Dear wife, let him kiss you, let him touch you, let him caress you, realize it is right, it is in the Bible, and good to prepare you both to enjoy this wonderful physical expression of love.

Wives need to be touched
That tender touch, that gentle love pat, and loving kind words, all through the day, says, I am aware of you, I am thinking about you, I love you. That gives your wife a sense of security, a feeling of safety. It helps her to be able to freely give herself to you.

"I wasn't built that way"
How many times do you hear men say that or hear about men saying that. Neither was I. Neither is any other man. But remember, neither was your wife "built that way" to give herself to you physically without feeling emotionally attached. This is a win, win situation. You learn speak to her in a way she can understand and she will respond and speak to you in a way you understand. Women are responders. This is a truth that we do not have time to develop. Kind sir, you are the leader, you are the head of your home and must lead the way by doing what you ought to do for your wife.

"What do you want me to do"
What a great question to ask each other. It makes sense for married couples to talk freely about what each can do to the other to make them feel loved.  Also discuss with one another how best to arouse each other to this highest physical expression of love. Someone said, "There are no frigid women just clumsy husbands." To me that isn't exactly true. I think most wives and husbands do not really know exactly what each needs and wants to prepare them to "physically love" each other. God says for husbands to "dwell with them according to knowledge."

Television and movies hurt
Television and movies are lying to the world. MOST women are not passionate for sex like they are portrayed on television.  Men often feel something is wrong with their wives because they do not respond as they pictured. Two things that help wives better respond to their husband are: knowing the Bible says, "Be ravished" with physical love. The other is for husbands to really love their wives ALL THE TIME and show it apart from sex.

O dear people lets show our agape love all the time so the eros love will be an outcome of God's love we show each other.

Father, help us to know what our spouses need and want so we can "love" each other as we ought. In Jesus name. All because of Calvary, sumner

Be the best lover