Monday, May 31, 2010

A continuation of Noah

Noah a preacher of righteousness 2 Pet. 2:5. Where did he preach? There were no churches or synagogues, only 8 saved people in the whole world! See Luke 16:8. He must have gone street preaching every Saturday, his day off. I love street meetings. Over the years, since 1942, I have preached scores of times on the street. Times have changed and it isn't done much today. I can see a little boy running home to his Dad and saying, "Dad, we better get ready to meet God. there is a preacher on the street telling judgment is coming. Be ready to meet God." The father asks, "Was it that old gray headed man, named Noah, telling about a big flood coming?" The boy answers "Yes." Son I heard him preaching that 40 years ago. Don't worry. He is just a religious fanatic." Forty years later, the same scene takes place and another father tells his son the same thing."
Life went on as usual, God was ignored and the preacher was scoffed at but suddenly there was a flash of lightning and a bolt of thunder and the floods came just like Noah said, and "took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be" Vs. 37-39. Get the rest of the story in the next lesson. It explains some vital things in the Bible.
Dear people, the rapture is coming seven years before this. How much more should we heed the preaching about "Jesus is coming" for us and take us all away to heaven. We must get ready, get set to go.
Father give us ears to hear and hearts to heed so we wont be ashamed at His coming. In Jesus name.