Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"I Haven't Moved"

This couple were so in love that when they rode together in the car, the wife would sit so close to her husband that it looked like there was a two-headed driver in the seat.

Years later, she is sitting close to the door on the other side. A young couple pass them sitting snuggled up to each other. She looked over longingly at her husband and said with a sigh, "Remember the days when we used to sit so close to each other? I wonder what happened?"

The husband looked over at her and quietly said, "Well, Honey, I haven't moved."

O dear people, I hear from Christians, clergymen, churches and countries who once were so close to God. They snuggled up to Him. They loved His Word, His Church, prayer and preaching. Now their church is cold. Souls are not being saved. The joy of the Lord is missing and they wonder why? They ask where is God?

God looks down and says, "I haven't moved."

O dear people, God says, "Thou hast left (not lost) thy first love." God says return and do the first works. "People, Pastor, Christian, church, America, all other countries, we must come back to God. It all starts with ME (God). "Taint my brother nor my sister but its me O Lord standing in the need of prayer." This illustration just struck me and I felt the urge to send it to all of us to "examine ourselves" and do the first works that made us filled with His joy and His blessing.

Prayer:  Father bless Your children and may we just snuggle up to You and do those wonderful works that kept the fire burning in our hearts. In Jesus name. All because of Calvary, Sumner.

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you" James 4:8.