Friday, December 4, 2009

Best Communication

Paul asked Jesus a phenomenal question. So he, trembling and astonished, said,"Lord, what do You want me to do?" (Acts 9:6). It just struck me that is a phenomenal question for husbands and wives to ask each other. Simply say, "Honey, what do you want me to do?"

Then, Jesus made a phenomenal statement. "I always do the things that are pleasing to Him" John 8:29. How wonderful it would be if each of us could and would say that about our Father. Then it struck me again, wouldn't it be wonderful, if each of us could and would say it about our spouses!  What a blessing and example of Christ and the Church we could be by making this scripture a part of our life.

Seriously, this may be one of the most profound thoughts I have ever had about marriage or ANYTHING for that matter. "You, kind sir, the leader in the home, Ask your wife, ' Sweetheart, what are the five most important ways I could please you by giving you my personal attention?' "And you dear lady, ask your husband, ' Honey, what are the five most important ways I could please you by showing you my admiration?'" Each of you, spell it out. Write it down. Now this is real communication and essential for a healthy and happy marriage.

I ask each of to make the above scriptures a part of your life and marriage.  Now take the time to think this through and make a list, of things that really would please you and make you love your husband or wife like you did when you were courting. IT CAN BE DONE and it will work if you will genuinely work at it. 

Additionally, I challenge you to be the husbands and wives we are commanded to be in the Bible (Holy Word of God) and develop a marriage based on God not on our wants and needs.  With our focus on following God and being the best spouse biblically we can be we will all stand out as great witnesses to those around us.

Dear people, life is too short and eternity is too long to neglect each other and miss the joy you should have in your relationship to each other here and the joy God will give you as you "please Him" by doing what you ought to be doing in your marriage. DOESN'T THAT MAKE SENSE? Of course it does. PLEASE give this serious consideration and then DO IT. THEN write me and tell me what you come up with and what you do about it.